The Human Nervous System (CNS)

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Human nervous system is divided into the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). The CNS contains the brain and the spinal cord and it is responsible for receiving and processing information; initiating actions. On the other hand, The PNS consists of sensory and motor neurons; also it has two parts the somatic system and the autonomic system and its main role is to transmit signals between the CNS and the rest of the body. Human nervous system receives information from internal environment (our bodies) and external environment through our five senses, hearing, vision, smell, taste and touch. Also our system responds to different type of stimuli (response caused by a change in an organism’s environment) consistently. …show more content…

Discriminative touch and proprioceptive information carried and processed from the body through medial lemniscal pathway to the cerebral cortex which requires three type of neurons, first order neuron that carries action potentials from the receptors ( the hand and the eyes) into brain stem or spinal cord, second-order neuron to carry action potentials from the brain stem or spinal cord to the thalamus and third-order neuron to carry action potential to the somatosensory area in the cerebrum or the cerebellum . The vestibular system is important to maintain balance, sensory information sent over the Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus (MLF) to the occulomotor nuclei, descending tract sent back through the medial vestibular to control head movement and amalgamate head and eyes …show more content…

Action potentials originate in the motor cortex that controls voluntary skeletal muscles movement on the opposite side of the body where the lower motor neurons arise. So to complete a swing, it is necessary to know various kind of information from the various lobes in the brain, information from the frontal lobe about the goal to be achieved and the required strategies to achieve that goal, the temporal lobe where motor cortex receives information about memories of past methodologies followed in softball training; add on information about the initial starting point of the limb as well as any applied forces to the limb; this type of information is provided by muscle spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs (GTO). After receiving all that kind of information, the motor cortex descends singles through direct motor pathway (Croticospinal) that consists of three types of neurons, upper (Motor cortex to brain stem or spinal cord), interneurons (Brain stem or spinal cord to lower neuron), lower (excite muscles in head and body) to control voluntary movement of limb (swing). Or indirect motor pathways (Medial or Lateral) to maintain balance, response to visual stimuli or regulate muscle tone. The motor nerve stimulates the required

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