The Hot Zone Summary

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The Hot Zone is a nonfiction story written about the lethal filovirus, Ebola. Charles Monet was working in the Nzoia Sugar Factory. During a trip to Mount Elgon, Charles visited Kitum Cave. After his trip, he started having headaches. During his visit to the doctor, he fell down and bled out. During Charles' examination, he threw up in Dr. Musoke's eyes. After nine days, Dr. Musoke had a backache, which was not normal for him and his eyes turned red. When he could not diagnose himself, he called in another doctor. After getting his blood tested, the results showed positive for Ebola. Over a few years, many signs of Ebola and Marburg, a closely related virus to Ebola, had shown up in Africa. One of these cases was a little boy named Peter Cardinal, who also caught Marburg from Kitum …show more content…

When a shipment of Crab-Eating Monkeys came in, two monkeys were already dead. This was not unusual because some monkeys die during shipments. But, as more and more monkeys died over a few weeks, Bill Volt, the manager of the monkey house, became concerned. He would watch the monkeys, and if the monkeys had red eyes, they would die over the next few days. He called in Dan Dalgard, a doctor, to find out what was happening. Dan kept a journal as more and more monkeys died. After cutting one open, he thought the monkeys may have had Simian Hemorrhagic Fever, or SHF. After sending in a sample, Tom Geisbert, an Intern at USAMRIID, thought it looked like Marburg. After telling his boss, Peter Jahrling, of his findings, together they conducted a few more tests. After finding out that it was Ebola or something closely related, C.J. Peters gathered a team of experts to explore further. After shutting down the factory and killing the monkeys, they examined the corpse. They concluded that this was a new type of Ebola. They named it Ebola Reston. Ebola Reston traveled through air and only infected

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