The Hookup Culture: Hookups And Sexual Regret Among Teens

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For generations sex has been a part of our culture. It used to be that sex was a sacred thing reserved for marriage. It still is; however, it is a much less of a common find today, especially among teens and younger adults. This is a problem physically, mentally and emotionally. ‘Hooking up’ ‘one-night stand’ ‘sex with no strings attached’ is the act of having sexual relations that are supposed to mean nothing and are a ‘one time’ thing. Or as it was described in “Hookups and Sexual Regret Among College Women.” “a sexual encounter, usually lasting only one night, between two people who are strangers or brief acquaintances” (Eshbaugh) Yet the hookup culture is swiftly destroying our generation’s view on love, happiness, love, and relationships. Our generation is being left unprepared, unhappy, and unloved as the hookup culture consumes us; making our world a darker and emptier place. As teenagers and young adults, we are just beginning to understand intimacy and relationships, unfortunately the hookup culture is leaving us lost and confused on …show more content…

However, once satisfied they move on. This tends to leave them always unsatisfied which leads to sadness. Both genders have their reasons for ‘hooking up’ however, as much as they attempt to fulfill their needs they will, in the end, only be left unhappy with the results. “men and women may test the limits of their newfound freedoms and engage in sexual experimentation. Later they may be more interested in settling down with a long-term partner and therefore more interested in dating instead of hooking up” (Dating and Hooking Up). This quote is saying that after a couple years of hooking up, one may realize that they want a long-term relationship. However, after that many hookups a relationship becomes hard from all the emotional damage hooking up

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