Analysis Of The American Hookup Culture

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Although it is not to say the people of color do not engage in casual sex, but rather that greater hookup culture on average college campuses represents a classist, eurocentric, racist, ableist, and heteronormative system that marginalizes a wide range of students. This social hierarchy rooted in exclusion is a self-perpetuating cycle that often times goes undiscussed, and uncriticized. The author engages with these issues, however, there is definite room for more on the nature of involuntary exclusion in this culture. To begin, this cultural practice primarily serves white western female liberation. Women of color only engage in the culture when they are a consumed as a “type” or eroticized as exotic. As pointed out by the author, students …show more content…

As stated in the book, “college students have much to teach about sex” (8). That is because the values, ideologies, and worldviews of the students are representative of greater American culture. Although flawed, hookup culture on American campuses hold the possibility of accepting a culture of inclusivity, care, pleasure, and freedom while also rejecting predatory behavior, racism, classism, and abuse. Dismissing hookup culture all together is blind to the reality that young adults are going to have sex, and since sex is non-negotiable, one’s aim should be to foster open dialogue and critical thought onto a future where everyone enjoys the ability to freely explore sexuality, sex, and gender on their own …show more content…

Just as casual sex is nothing new--just the expectation-- student-faculty sexual relations have existed since the birth of the educational institution.
While all institutions of higher education have strict policies that explicitly forbid student-faculty relationships, it is a well-known fact that they nevertheless happen. At what frequency is uncertain due to privacy and legal concerns, however, 14% of student participants in a survey reported to have hookup with either a professor or TA. The obvious power dynamic in these relationships makes an inquiry all the more

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