The Hmong

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In The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures, author Anne Fadiman explores the complexity of a cultural clash through communication and interaction between the Hmong minority and biomedical culture in the United States. In broad terms, her book classifies as a modern-day case of cultural anthropology that depicts the complications of unprepared cross-cultural communication and lack of assimilation. Fadiman documented the saga of the Lees, a Hmong family who immigrated to Merced, California after nation-wide problems in their homeland of Laos and China (Fadiman 5). Their story exemplifies the struggle with biomedicine in the United States by detailing the story of the Lee’s severely epileptic daughter Lia and reflecting on the factors and outcomes of her life and death.
The Hmong Culture
To understand the events and clashes between Lia’s family and her medical staff, it is necessary to understand who the Hmong are. Fadiman dedicates several chapters of her book to explaining the depths of the Hmong culture in order to strengthen her reader’s understanding of the unfolding dilemma between the Lees and the American doctors. In the terms of Dr. Gary Weaver, a professor and Executive Director of the Intercultural Management Institute at American University, the Hmong are categorized as more high-context and gemeinschaft culture (Weaver 15). A concrete instance of the beliefs of the Hmong is their interpretation of illness. Sukey Waller, a psychiatrist at the Merced Community Outreach Services stated, “Psychological problems do not exist for the Hmongs, because they do not distinguish between mental and physical illness. Everything is a spiritual problem,” (qtd. in...

... middle of paper ... in medical textbooks (Fadiman 270) since the tale of Lia has gone public.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures shares the journey of cultural illiteracy from the Hmong and American side. Fadiman states, “In 1995, for the first time, the national guidelines for training psychiatry residents stipulated that they learn to assess cultural influences on their patients’ problems,” (Fadiman 270). Though the unfortunate events that occurred were definitely able to avoid now, at the time, there was no standard set of actions and procedures to take in order to provide the best health care to different cultures. Fadiman truly succeeded in showing the reader that good intentions and compassion must be weighed more heavily when analyzing events and the consequences must be met with an objective eye.

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