The History Of The Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander People

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Given the history of the European colonisation of Australia, many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are wary of white institutions and social welfare’ ( Chenoweth & McAuliffe 2012, p.274). Identify and discuss one or two of the historical events that have impacted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how the effects are seen today.
This papers focus is based on the historical events that have being experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people during colonisation. The most traumatising event experienced was the forced removal of Aboriginal children which is also referred to as the Stolen Generations. Given the distressing history the impact of the laws and policies on Indigenous Australians has made it difficult for them to trust government services or White Australians.
Due to colonisation in 1788 all life expectancies changed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, who were forcibly removed from their families and land to institutions or other non-Aboriginal environment : This is also known as the – Stolen Gen...

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