The History Of Photogrammetry

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2.1 Introduction of photogrammetry

Photogrammetry has been defined by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing as the art, science, and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through process of recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic images and patterns of recorded radiant electromagnetic energy and other phenomena. Even though photogrammetry has expanded to include analysis of the other records, photographs are still the principal source of information.

On the other hand, the definition of photogrammetric are included with two distinct areas. This is the following distinct areas:
Metric photogrametry This is consists of making …show more content…

Moreover, many of the maps that use nowadays are created with photogrammetry and photographs that taken from aircraft.

2.1.1 History of photogrammetry

Developments are leads to the nowadays to science of photogrammetry occurred long before the invention of photograph. As early as 350 B.C Aristotle had referred to the process of projecting images in optically. Then, in the early 18th century Dr. Brook Taylor had published his treatise on linear perspective. Afterward, J. H. Lambert had suggested that the principle of perspective could be used in preparing maps.

A practical photographic process was developed. This is happen in 1839, Louis Daguerre of Paris has been announced his direct photographic process. In this process, he has been identified the exposure was made on metal plates that had been light-sensitized with a coating of silver iodine.

After a year from Daguerre’s invention happen, Francois Arago is a geodist with the French Academy of Science, had been demonstrated the use of photographs in topographic surveying. This is can be seen in his experiment of researches, kites and balloons were used in photogrammetry for taking aerial photographs. With that, he has been thinking due to difficulties to encounter in obtaining the aerial photographs. So that, he has curtailed area of research and concentrated on mapping with terrestrial …show more content…

The whole image is divided into pixels, which is size and shape is depends on the size and shape of capacitors.
Sampling determines the geometric properties of an image.
b) Quantizing
i. Assigning the intensity value to a pixel and defines radiometric properties of the image (Schenk, 1999)

From the point of view of the application, the digital image is presented as a matrix I that are consist of r = 1, and so on, R is rows and j = 1, and so on, C is columns. For that, the elements of the matrix that are carry intensity values. By that, depending on the type of image will make the matrix consists only have of one layer (a grey tone image) or several layers (coloured, multispectral, and hyperspectral images). A colour table is an alternative form of an image decription.

Figure 2.1 This figure is shows the sampling data of image aerial photograph. (Norbert Haala, 2009)

2.2.1 Orientation and georeferencing

The determination of object coordinates of points measured in the images is a basic task of photogrammetry. The geometric relation between an image and object coordinate system that known as central projection. This is analytically that described by collinearity

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