The High Cost Of Low Teachers Salary Analysis

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“All over the world, proud parents drop their children at the gates of schools, dreaming about what they might accomplish after years of study and homework. They entrust teachers with the duty of nurturing their development and opening their eyes to a world of possibilities. It's a huge responsibility -- but is that responsibility reflected in their social status and pay?”(Pisa). Teachers around the globe have a huge responsibility but this is not shown in the ways they are treated. Katie Pisa (“Who are the Worlds Most Valued Teachers?”), Dave Eggers and Ninive Clements Calegari (“The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries”) and Anisha Lakhani (Schooled) all explain the struggle of teacher salaries, the negativity of society, and the low status. …show more content…

Also it is causing others to view the profession of teaching as unattractive, creating the question of, who will replace them?
In the perspective of parents, a teacher's salary is not worth the money and hard work in college. Pisa, Eggers and Calegaris articles and Lakhani’s novel all describe how people are pulled from their teaching career because of the salary. Pisa’s article is a cultural standpoint, while Eggers and Calegaris article is more personal, and Lakhani’s novel is parental. But overall, they explain that this is causing teachers and pursuers to step away from teaching.
An example of parents pulling their daughter/son away from becoming a teacher is portrayed great it Lakhani's book. The main character is pursuing the job of teaching, but her parents tell her not to because of the teacher salary. This parental influence is creating a problem, it is causing more and more people to not go into teaching. The opposition might say that teachers live a good life with the salary that they have. On the contrary, the teachers that are thriving normally have another job outside of the classroom, in fact 62% do work outside the

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