The Hero's Walk By Anita Rau Badami: An Analysis

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Acts of courage are shown in every day of life by people all around the world. These acts may result in stressful and complicated situations. There are many ways to describe acts of courage depending on the situation being faced. It is expressed when fear is thrown aside or when accepting a challenge. In order to achieve personal integrity, courage is very important. Usually in today’s world, people choose the easy path instead of the right but, there must be a person who chooses what is perfect. Throughout ‘The Hero’s Walk’ written by Anita Rau Badami, the main protagonists experience situations where courage is called upon and develops integrity.

As the novel continues, Siripathi faces a situation when he had to show his courage and take a decision. He was left the only legal …show more content…

Since she is only seven years of age, she cannot take decisions maturely however, she needs the courage to accept the decisions made for her. She had to accept the fact of Siripathi, a person she never saw in her life being her legal guardian for rest of her life. No one in the world can just leave a place where they lived their life and move to a different country with different culture and values. It is extremely hard for a seven-year-old to accept the death of her parents and live with a stranger for rest of her life according to Indian culture. This is a perfect situation when courage is the main requirement for an individual to keep living. First of all, Nandana needs the courage to accept the death of her parents and she has to live without them forever. Second of all, she should be mentally strong in order to move in India with her grandfather. Nandana develops personal integrity after reaching India and after interacting with the family because this is what Maya wanted. Therefore, Nandana is fulfilled after making her mom’s wishes true and in order to do this, she needs a lot of courage and true

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