The Great Albert Einstein

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Several intelligent freethinking individuals have occupied the world. Who, at first glance may appear to be completely incompetent and distorted as contributing members of our society. For Albert Einstein, he seemed to be no exception. Growing up having had a speech disability, “Einstein initially was thought to be simple-minded, and consequently would not achieve much in his lifetime.” In contrast, Einstein has manipulated almost every thought and question, which existed in his time and in ours. Whereas many mathematicians, scientist, and or philosophers were unable to answer unimaginable questions and theories that would improve the world we live in. That was no surprise to anyone. Einstein was able with little endeavor to organize and formulate the most complex equations and designs, making light of problems previously thought to be impossible.

Einstein’s education, life experiences, and “freethinking ability contributed to his success and ability in his life.” Albert Einstein, to this day is still one of the most accomplished and respected mathematician/ inventor in the world. Einstein’s journey was one filled with challenges, discoveries, and many accomplishments. On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was born in Wurttemberg, Germany to Jewish parents Hermann, and Pauline Einstein. Shortly after Albert’s birth, his father and mother eagerly collected their personal belongings as well as their new baby boy and moved to the Kingdom of Munich, now Germany. Following his families move to Munich, in November of 1881 Einstein’s parents gave birth to a little girl, with such a delicate sweet face. They named her Maria, who was soon to become Albert’s new little angelic best friend.

Growing up Albert had a relatively nor...

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... the world we live in; his accomplishments include his education, life experiences, and freethinking ability.

Works Cited

"Albert Einstein - Biography". 21 Apr 2011

Küpper, Hans-Josef. The Alber Einstein Website. Ed. R Schulmann. N.p., Jan. 1987. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. .

Oak, Manali. "Albert Einstein Timeline." Google, Dec. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. .

Putatunda, Rita. "Einsteins Quotes.", Apr. 2001. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. .

"Albert Einstein - Biography". 21 Apr 2011

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