Informative Speech Scientists Einstein and Heisenberg

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Informative Speech Scientists Einstein and Heisenberg

A. Introduction

My Speech is about the scientists who had the main influence on our current time and have shaped our contemporary view of the world (Also called in Theology the "Zeitgeist").

I have chosen two of them who were in many ways just opposites. One is extremely famous and the other is almost unknown except to specialists. The most famous is of course Albert Einstein. He has significantly altered our view of the world with his Theory of Relativity.

The other one is not so well known, his works are commonly are associated with Einstein instead.

His name is Heisenberg. He worked mainly in Quantum Physics and was responsible for the development of the Principle of Uncertainty. This is one of the topics of this speech.

Incidentally both are German like I am. Their lives where shaped by the confrontation with Nazi-Germany. Einstein was Jewish and left in 1933 when Hitler came to power. Heisenberg tried to compromise with the Nazis and make the best(whatever that was) out of it. During the war both were active on different sides in the race for the development of the Atomic Bomb.

Thats surely one of the reasons Heisenberg is not so well known.

I think it is important to understand their ideas because they have had a great effect on our present society. We will better understand our present society by knowing a little bit about them.

Many have tried to explain what these Theories mean and there has been a lot of Hype about it. Most do not understand what this is all about. So lets make a survey! The very interesting thing is that there are a lot of elements in these Theories which are important for our beliefs and thereby also our Faith!

B. Einstein and his Theor...

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...rd for scientists to accept. No wonder that Einstein objected

"God does not throw dice".

D. Finish

I want to close with a final Citation from Ecclesiastes, which basically says the same:

When I applied my mind to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done on earth, how one's eyes see sleep neither day nor night, then I saw all the work of God, that no one can find out what is happening under the sun. However much they may toil in seeking, they will not find it out; even though those who are wise claim to know, they cannot find it out.(Eccl 8:16-17 (NRSV))


Bible Quotation : NRSV (New Revised Standard Version)

Cassidy, David Charles "Uncertainty: the life and science of Werner Heisenberg", New York 1992, W.H. Freeman and Company

Friedman, Alan J. and Carol C. Donley "Einstein As Myth and Muse" Cambrige 1985, Cambridge University Press

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