The Golden Rule Were All Taught At A Young Age

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The golden rule, the rule we were all taught at a young age. I believe that the golden rule is too vague. I believe believe that under the title of “golden rule” there is a deeper more complex matter called heroism. Have you ever been asked who your hero was? When your were young you probably said your mom or dad, or when you were a teenager you probably said the pop cultural icon who was relevant at the time. However that's not what I believe in. I believe in the little things that we do everyday whether it be holding the door open for and elderly man or woman, or acknowledging a shy or mentally disabled person letting them know that they matter. That's the heroism that I believe in. I was raised in a way of being polite and helping people and helping people out. For example my father …show more content…

I still think about how different I could be if I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a father who taught me that, but others aren’t lucky enough to receive compassion from a father like role model. However the people whether it be a teacher or just a neighbor who gives up parts of their own time just to steer someone in the right direction. They’re heroes in their own ways, but sometimes saying nothing is the best thing to do. However if you see someone who needs help and the first thought you have is to give them the help that they need then that shows that you have a heroic personality . When I was around five my father suffered a massive heart attack while we were watching a move and before he called emergency services he called my grandparents. The reason he did this was so that I wasn’t traumatized by seeing my father be taken out on a stretcher. He ended up have to wait around nine minutes for my grandparents to come and pick me up before he even called 911 because he was worried they would come before my

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