The Four-Way Test: Evaluating Patterns Of Decisions

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The Four-Way Test is a process that encourages everyone to evaluate their patterns of decisions, thinking, and acting. The Four-Way Test practically helps people decide how to come about what to say next, how to act, and to make them stop before they decide something that could potentially have a dramatic impact on the rest of their life. It can influence what people say, think, and do exceedingly substantially. The first step is “is it truthful?” The second is “is it fair to all concerned?” The third is “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?” And finally, “will it be beneficial to all concerned?” All inclusive, the Four-Way Test can impact and encourage what individuals say, think, and do in an impressive number of ways. The Four-Way Test impacts the way people say in a numerous amount of ways. If someone clearly goes through the four steps listed in …show more content…

An example of this is that if a person took a close look at the steps in the process, then the actions they take later on would probably be positive considering the steps listed in the process. However, if they deny relying on the process, the actions they take will have an opposing outcome. These actions may have a mammoth impact on civilian’s lives. This is why it is crucial for everyone tries to live up to the Four-Way Test. Some paradigms of a neutral outcomes regarding the Four-Way Test include posting something on social media, or even deciding to do your chores. An example of a positive outcome would be owning up to your wrongdoings, because even though the consequences may be grim, it is truthful, fair, can build goodwill and friendships, and it is most certainly beneficial. On the other hand, an example of a negative end result involves lying to your teacher, family, or friends because it is neither the truth, nor any other of the steps in the Four-Way Test. Altogether, the Four-Way Test is very effective as to how people

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