The Fallen Angel: Analysis Of The Final Scenes Of Blade Runner

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Director Ridley Scott's Postmodern reply to the modern consists of recognizing that the past, since it cannot be destroyed, because it's destruction leads to silence, must be revisited.

So memories and emotions are meaningless without immortality. " Like tears in the rain." Director Scott has a chilling story to tell, and there is a complex web of allegory and meaning lurking in the background.

The final scene of Blade Runner reveal religious and philosophical parallels and these are Milton's Paradise Lost and humanity itself. God is questioned, mocked and finally destroyed. The use of tightly framed shots, reaction shots, and mise en scene are used to highlite the allegoricall relationship to Christianity.

Humanity itself is brought up for definition in this film, as the Replicants are in many ways more human than the " real humans" they are interacting with. The mise en scene suggests a vision of the future that is not only a sprawling, technological metropolis, but an empty soulless place. Through it's characters a sense of quiet desperation. They are withdrawn almost, living in a mellow dream which when disrupted, is painful and struggling. The characters seem random, everyday people of the city, but united by the will to survive because there is nothing else, nothing but fear. Death to the replicants is represented by their own mortality and the outside embodiment of the Blade Runners; stalkers. Roy and his followers: Pris, Zora and Leon are Milton's fallen angels. Th...

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