Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome and fibromyositis, is a chronic pain disorder that affects people physically, socially, and mentally. It can affect any area of the body and affects multiple areas. This disorder is most common in women, but it can also affect men and children of all ethnic groups. Most people are diagnosed between the ages of twenty and fifty. People who have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, or Spinal Arthritis have an increased risk of developing Fibromyalgia. This disorder cannot be transmitted from person to person.
There are three main symptoms of Fibromyalgia: pain, fatigue, and sleep problems. The pain experienced by people with this disorder is chronic and widespread. The pain can spread to any part of the body. Many patients describe the pain as feelings of being shot, stabbed, and deep muscle pain. The pains these people suffer also cause numbness, burning, and tingling sensations. Their pain can be affected by factors such as weather, stress, exercise, and fatigue. People who suffer from Fibromyalgia suffer from intense fatigue. This disrupts their normal lives and affects them socially. Lastly, Fibromyalgia patients suffer through immense sleep problems. They rarely get a deep or peaceful sleep because they are constantly interrupted with awake-like brain activity. Some other symptoms can include impaired coordination, dizziness, migraines, impaired memory and concentration, and skin sensitivities.
The cause of Fibromyalgia is still unknown, but researchers believe it is linked to a disorder of central processing neurotransmitters. They believe the pain is caused by the amplification of abnormal sensory processing in the nervous system. Some studies suggest that genes are involved, but ...
... middle of paper ... Library of Medicine, 02 Feb. 2012. Web. 28 Dec. 2013. .
"Fibromyalgia." Fast Facts About. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, July 2011. Web. 29 Dec. 2013. .
"Fibromyalgia: MedlinePlus." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2013. .
FRP Group. "6 Biology." The Volume Library #1. Nashville, TN.: Southwestern, 2007. 82. Print.
"National Fibromyalgia Association: Welcome to the National Fibromyalgia Association."National Fibromyalgia Association: Welcome to the National Fibromyalgia Association. National Fibromyalgia Association, n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2013. .
Our results provide the first demonstration that GABAA but not GABA B receptor–selective agonists reverse the thermal hyperalgesia produced by spinal cord injury. In parallel, we demonstrate that in spinal cord injury similar to peripheral nerve injury, GABAA and GABAB receptor agonists reduce cold and tactile allodynia and mechanical hyperalgesia. In addition, our studies used a sensitive, reproducible test of motor function to compare the antiallodynic, antihyperalgesic, and motor effects of GABA receptor agonists. The data suggest that GABAA agonists may be efficacious in the treatment of neuropathic pain with thermal hyperalgesia without sensory or motor side effects.
Have you ever wondered why when you stub your toe on the chair in the living room, it helps tremendously to yell out an expletive or two and vigorously rub the area? I may not be able to discuss the basis for such language in this paper, but we will explore the analgesic response to rubbing that toe, in addition to the mechanism of pain and alternative treatments such as acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
Crohn’s disease is a chronic disorder of the digestive system. I can affect any area of the gastrointestinal system from the mouth to the anus. Its inflammatory process may spread to include skin, eyes, joints, mouth and sometimes the liver (Chang, 2008). Males and females appear to be affected proportionately. Crohn’s disease can occur in people of any age, but it is mostly a disease of adolescents and young adults. However, Crohn’s disease may occur in people over 70 years old and in young children (Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, 2009).
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a musculoskeletal illness (which causes chronic pain) and a chronic fatigue disorder. It can also change sleep patterns and cause the following: digestive disorders, chronic headaches, painful menstrual periods, temperature sensitivity, morning stiffness, numbness or tingling of extremities, and even cognitive memory problems. The name fibromyalgia comes from "fibro" in Latin meaning tissue, "my" in Greek meaning muscle, and "algia" (also Greek) meaning pain.(source 5)
"Chronic pain persists despite the fact that the fact the injury has healed. Pain signals remain active in the nervous system for the prolonged or infinite amount of time. Physical effects include tense muscles, limited mobility, lack of energy, and changes in the appetite. Emotional effects include depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of re-injury"(Cleveland Clinic 2013). Chronic pain can develop from multiple common conditions. These can include; instance migraines, diabetes, IBS, fibroids, and endometri...
Fibromyalgia is not a new disease that has just surfaced, it has been around for a long time, it just didn’t have a name and was not recognized for what it truly was. It was...
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V), describes somatoform disorders as a group of related mental health symptoms that are characterized by a patient’s presentation of multiple, current somatic symptoms that are distressing or result in significant impairment of daily functioning. A somatic symptom is the presentation of physical illness or distress that would appear to have a medical basis but which cannot be explained by either a general medical condition, direct effect of a substance, or any other mental health disorder. Patients who suffer from somatoform disorders firmly believe that the pain they are experiencing stems from a physical problem rather than a mental one; indeed, that is a fundamental aspect of the disorder. Somatoform disorders range from a simple and persistent pain disorder to hypochondriasis, which involves persistent anxiety over the existence of a serious illness, to conversion disorder, which involves the actual loss of a bodily function from excessive anxiety over the perceived ailment. (DSM-V, 2013)
Marion Good, PhD, RN, has focused her study, “A Middle-Range Theory of Acute pain Management: Use in Research,” on complementary medicine for pain and stress, acute pain, and stress immunity. The purpose of this theory is to put into practice guidelines for pain management. Good, 1998, noted the need for a balance between medication usage and side effects of pain medications. The theory also promoted patient education related to pain management following surgery and encouraged plan development for acceptable levels of pain management. This theory was developed through deductive reasoning. Chinn & Kramer, 2008, defined deductive reasoning as going from a general concept to a more specific concept. Good, 1998, related that there was a balance between analgesia and side effects in which two outcomes can be deduced: (1) a decrease in pain, and (2) a decrease in side effects. These outcomes can be studied further or more detailed concepts can be deduced from them.
After meeting with our patient twice, I believe we have set into place a relationship where the patient is very open to us about her health. This is helpful for my partner and I as an open and honest patient is beneficial as we assist them in their health. Goals for next semester include reducing our patient’s blood sugar as well as reducing our patient’s fibromyalgia pain. Our patient has expressed to us that her glucose is high but she is ok with the high number as long as she is feeling relatively healthy. We hope to give practical ways to reduce blood sugar throughout next semester so hopefully we can reduce that number by semester’s end. Our patient is going to see her physician soon, so we hope to get an update on the patient’s fibromyalgia
A study published by The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, showed that the “most affected group is the African-American Women”; which are more susceptible to have multiple fibroids. (Gynecologists) (See fig 2), in the study they also said that there is not any particular cause for the condition; there some “risks” or “factors” that increased or decreased the presence of uterine fibroids in a woman”. (See table 1). In my personal case, the genetic or family history could be a determinative reason of my condition at the age of 23 years old.
The development of Fibromyalgia and depression in one’s life is dependent on many factors. Firstly, depression can result from issues such as reacting to loss, struggles of life or personal issues related to self-esteem. Fibromyalgia can also result from similar issues as well. However, statistics show that this disorder is common in women than in men (Schmidt et al, 2010). This disorder has been linked to
Polysomnography (PSG) will be used to evaluate sleep disturbance. To ensure eligibility, the study coordinator will go through a screening checklist. If at least one criterion is not met, the patient will be excluded from participating. If the participant meets eligibility criteria, they will be invited to participate and the phases of the study will be explained. Upon informed consent, demographic data will be collected from the patient or from the patient chart. Additionally, a fecal calprotectin kit will be administered to each participant to confirm remission status. To prepare for PSG, participants will be instructed to keep a 2-week sleep diary prior to overnight evaluation. Finally, participants will complete 3 questionnaires before their sleep appointment and submit them, along with the sleep diary: (1) Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue questionnaire; (2) Beck Depression Inventory-II; and (3) Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire. PSG will take place in a level-one sleep laboratory at the Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre. Following PSG observations, the data will be analyzed via statistical software to determine if the fatigue reported by patients with IBD is related to sleep
One of the most common mysteries in the world is the development of autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is when the immune system, which usually keeps your body healthy thinks that your healthy cells are antigens and attacks them. This is irony right? It is against properties of evolution for an immune system to attack itself causing sickness and possibly death if untreated. There are about 80 different types of autoimmune diseases, which usually have periods of little to no symptoms and worsening symptoms. What particularly creates confusion in the world is the autoimmune disease, inflammatory bowel disease, which affects almost about five million people worldwide.
The symptoms of somatic symptom disorder can often be hard to notice because it is psychological and many times the pain they express may seem legit. Many people with the somatization pattern of the somatic symptom disorder will experience many long-lasting physical ailments, and these ailments typically have little to no physical basis (Comer, 2014). These people will usually go from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital just to find some relief or even answers...
The precise interrelationship between muscle pain and motor function has been the topic of much debate, with two major, but conflicting theories emerging over the years: the Vicious Cycle Theory and the Pain Adaptation Model.