The Effects and Causes of Volcanic Activity

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Volcanoes are formed when magma is expelled from the Earth’s surface, resulting in volcanic eruptions consisting of ash and lava. Over time, the lava cools and forms into rock on the Earth’s surface. Whenever an eruption occurs, the newly-formed rock from the lava layers continuously until the volcano takes its shape. Volcanic eruptions have taken place for thousands of years, and even today, according to the U.S Geological Survey (2010), there are approximately 1500 active volcanoes located throughout the world.

When a volcano erupts, the focus is particularly on the consequences that take place near the volcano, such as weather conditions, the impact on nature, and the people who are affected. The noticeable changes that take place after a volcanic eruption includes the decrease in the temperature, natural disasters, such as tsunamis, droughts, and hurricanes, and the air pollution, which can be harmful to plants, animals, and people.

There are other short-term effects, and these effects don’t just take place in the area of an eruption, but expands to other parts of the world. Globally, what has become an issue of its own is climate change. In the Encyclopedia Britannica, Jackson (2013) defined climate change as a “periodic modification of Earth's climate brought about as a result of changes in the atmosphere as well as interactions between the atmosphere and various other geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors within the Earth system.” With all of the debris that enters the atmosphere from eruptions, volcanoes can make an impact on climate change. Volcanic activity can cause global cooling, but some sources say that it has the potential to impact global warming as well, due to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO...

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