As Early Childcare Professionals it is important to have the knowledge and understanding of how children develop in order to provide the best curriculum for all children, including children with special needs. The objective of this paper is to discuss Asperger Syndrome (AS). This paper will delve into the history of AS, the general characteristics and the causes; as well as the effects on development in each domain. It will also discuss the learning challenges and how an Early Childhood Educator could create an inclusive and responsive environment for both the child with AS and the other students in the class.
Asperger Syndrome was named for Hans Asperger, an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician. In a paper written by Hans Asperger, he discussed four children who had difficulty socializing with their peers (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2014, p. 1).”Although their intelligence appeared normal, the children lacked non-verbal communications skills, failed to demonstrate empathy with their peers, and were physically awkward” (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2014, p. 1). These children also seemed to converse mainly about one topic of interest. Hans Asperger referred to this as “autistic psychopathy”, a personality disorder based on these children being socially withdrawn. (Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 2014, p. 1). A point of interest to note, “As a child, Asperger appeared to have exhibited some features of the very condition named after him, such as social remoteness and talent in language” (Wikimedia foundation Inc., 2014, p. 1). Han Asperger’s observation did not become known until 1981. In 1981 an English doctor named Lorna Wing began writing about child...
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...ead of time and placed on the table for the children to use at their own discretion. This activity is also responsive to a child with AS as they often find drawing and other fine motor activities to be uncomfortable. Eliminating obstacles will take away some of the apprehension a child with AS may be feeling about joining a social activity. Another example of a good social activity would be to have the children put together a large floor puzzle. This activity encourages cooperation and teamwork (Allen, Paasche, Langford, & Nolan, 2011, pp. 352-359).
In conclusion children with AS will bring certain challenges to the classroom. A knowledgeable teacher through reassurance and “gentle assistance” (Allen, Paasche, Langford, & Nolan, 2011, p. 355) can provide the proper guidance for this child and help them to become integrated into the classroom environment.
Disabilities in the classroom are a very important issue for teachers to be familiar with. In the article by Michael Graziano, An Inconvenient Child, Graziano’s son suffers from Apraxia but gets inaccurately diagnosed by his son’s teacher. This creates issues of trust for his son and worsens the learning disability problem. He includes important information all parents should hear in the article. Graziano looks at his son’s disability in the classroom, which directly relates to teachers catching signs of mental illness in the classrooms, how teachers diagnose a behavioral troubled child, and training school counselors on the Section 504 policy. The conversation between Graziano’s concerns and these other current articles establish kairos for the article.
For adults to minimize this miscommunication Robinson states six guidelines for teacher to better help and understand students with ASD.
First, those who suffer from Asperger’s tend to lack the basic social skills required in everyday life, such as hugging, communicating, or expressing their feelings. For example, in “The Curious Incident” Christopher hits people who touch him in an unwelcome manner. So when his father became angry with him, and he latched onto Christopher’s arm: “I don’t like when people grab me. And I don’t like being surprised either. So I hit
A Comparison between Christopher Boone and Raymond Babbitt Asperger s disorder is not a disease, but a developmental brain disorder. It is four times more prevalent in boys than in girls and it shows no racial, ethnic or social boundaries. Family income, lifestyle and educational levels do not affect the chance of Asperger s disorder occurrence. According to Hans Asperger: It is important to know that the person with AS perceives the world differently. Therefore, many behaviours that seem odd are due to neurological differences and not the result of intentional rudeness or bad behaviour.
In the 1940’s two doctors in different countries observed children displaying similar behaviors and deficits. One of the doctors was Viennese pediatrician Dr. Hans Asperger and the other was a child psychiatrist named Leo Kanner. Dr. Kanner was the first of the two doctors to report his observations. What he described were behaviors similar to those seen in children with what we call Autistic disorder. The behaviors affected the children’s communication, social interaction and interests. Dr. Asperger later published an article discussing what he dubbed “Autistische Psychpathen im Kindesalter” which translates to “Autistic Psychopathy”. Although some behaviors overlapped, there were differences leading to the belief that these doctors were documenting two different disorders. The two most prevalent were the differences in motor and language abilities (Miller, Ozonoff). Another was Asperger’s belief that his patients were of normal or above average intelligence. It was not until 1994 that Asperger Syndrome was entered into the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM IV), finally becoming an official diagnosis. At the time, Asperger Syndrome (AS) was labeled as a subcategory of autism along with autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive development disorder. Since then, the community of people with Asperger Syndrome has grown to love and better understand the disorder that they live with every day. Some of them have even affectionately named themselves “Aspies”.
This source highlighted different approaches taken by schools, teachers, and aides that work closely with persons with ASD. While states offer equal educational opportunities to students, it is important for the individual to understand what their needs are when choosing a school or program. While mainstreaming students with ASD into normal learning environments can be beneficial to personal development, it can also be damaging if the students is not emotionally prepared. This type of frustration can cause the individual with ASD to exhibit problematic behavior or cause them to develop
Dr. Hans Asperger was the first to describe Asperger’s Syndrome, also known as AS, in 1944. He explained that AS causes clumsiness, poor motor skills, and an inability to walk or run smoothly (Miyahara, Tsujii, ...
This paper was reprinted with permission of Susan Moreno on the O.A.S.I.S. (Online Asperger's Syndrome Information and Support)
Two years ago, I embarked on a journey that would teach me more than I had ever imagined. As a recent college graduate, I was thrilled to finally begin my teaching career in a field I have always held close to my heart. My first two years as a special education teacher presented countless challenges, however, it also brought me great fulfillment and deepened my passion for teaching students with special needs. The experiences I have had both before and after this pivotal point in my life have undoubtedly influenced my desire to further my career in the field of special education.
Lynch, S., & Irvine , A. (2009). Inclusive education and best practice for children with
Marks, S. et. al. (2003). Instructional Management Tips for Teahers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Teaching Exceptional Children, 35 (4), 50-55.
Ozonoff, S., Dawson, G., & McPartland, J. (2002). A parent’s guide to asperger syndrome and
The main cause of the condition is still uncertain by doctors, but changes to the brain are some of the components that lead to Asperger’s. On the other hand, an early diagnosis like interviews or observations of the individual’s behavior and communication skills can help prevent behavioral and emotional problems. Additionally, there are different types of treatments that can improve the symptoms of the individual. In conclusion, Asperger’s syndrome is a mental disorder that affects the ability to effectively socialize and
I was working at a camp and got into a conversation with a friend who has Asperger Syndrome about his experience with special education. He told me how long it took him to get into a program and how much those teachers had helped him to become the person that he was. The teachers were able to help him understand what he was learning as well as life lessons. He and other children with special needs at the camp I have worked at for the past few summers have instilled in me a stronger need to reach out to those in both special and general education classes. This was again enforced in the class “Intro to Special Education.” I was taught even more that school is not just about learning the information, but learning about yourself and how to grow in yourself. Each student is different and therefore each student must be seen as
Ozonoff, S., Dawson, G., & McPartland, J. (2002). A parent’s guide to Asperger syndrome and