The Effect of Soaking Raw Potato Chips in Various Salt Solutions

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The Effect of Soaking Raw Potato Chips in Various Salt Solutions


In my Experiment I hope to discover the possible concentrations of

potato cell sap using osmosis. Osmosis is the passage of water

molecules from a weak solution into a stronger solution through a

partially permeable membrane. We hope to achieve this by doing four

experiments using distilled water in one test tube and different

concentrations of salt water in the other test tubes. Once done, we

will measure the change in mass.


I think that the potato that is put in the test tube with water in

will gain in mass. I think that the potato put into the salt solution

will loose in mass. The higher the concentration of salt the, the more

the potato will decrease in mass. I think this because if two

solutions of concentrations of a solute (e.g. salt) in a solvent (e.g.

water) are separated by a semipermeable membrane, solvent moves from

the weaker to the stronger solution until the two solutions attain

equal concentration.

In simpler words and relating it to the experiment. The higher

concentrations of salt in the test tubes will draw the water that

already exists within the potato out so that they are now equal



* Four test tubes

* Test tube rack

* Four pieces of raw potato that are of the same mass and


* Water

* Three different concentrations of salt in the different solutions

of water

* Stopwatch

* Paper towel

* Four students


We are grouped in fours and will each take responsibility for their

piece of raw potato. They will be cut to the exact same size.

They will then be rolled in the paper towel so that any excess water

will be absorbed. They are then weighed and their weight is recorded

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