The Effect of Consumers on Other Stakeholders When Using the Products of the Organization

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The Effect of Consumers on Other Stakeholders When Using the Products of the Organization

By consumers shopping at supermarkets it pollutes the environment and

damages human health

The biggest single threat to life on earth is global warming and the

biggest single cause of global warming is vehicle pollution. Overall

social and environmental costs of food transport are £9 billion and

have huge impacts on road congestion, accidents, climate change, and

noise and air pollution. An example might be when Morrison’s build a

new out of town superstore, this causes congestion through the number

of people trying to access this one store and causes pollution through

the use of there vehicles. The average item of food purchased from a

supermarket such as Morrison’s travels over 1000 miles; by lorry/plane

from the producer to the store and then by car from the store to the

consumer. As well as causing severe environmental damage, the

pollution caused by supermarket-generated traffic is a major

contributor to rising levels of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

By consumers shopping at supermarkets it supports dismantling

communities and undermining local economies

People can only eat so much food, so logic dictates that shopping at

supermarkets puts village shops and high street stores out of

business. Every supermarket that opens results in a net loss of

200-300 jobs, as a whole network of local shops and their suppliers is

destroyed. Whereas money spent in independent shops tends to stay in

the local economy, supermarkets act as giant vacuum cleaners; sucking

money out of an area and putting it into the bank accounts of distant


By consumers shopping at supermarkets it results in contributing in

unnecessary, damaging and costly packaging waste

supermarket food is encased in far more packaging all of this leaves

an ever growing waste mountain, much of which is multi-material (e.g.

cardboard stuck to foil wrapped in plastic) and therefore impossible

to recycle. This means it must be buried (to pollute the soil and

water) or incinerated (to pollute the air), the cost of which is met

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