Trucking Industry Essay

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This report was made to show how Action Modular can increase their profits and make them more marketable. The trucking industry is an industry that has and will be around for a long time. As long as there are manufacturers and consumers requiring their freight to be moved, there will be a need for trucks. If the marketing trend is monitored regularly by putting the right people in place and being proactive regarding the equipment and freight rates. Action Modular will be highly marketable and can yield more in revenue versus decreasing the revenue by utilizing outside carrier.
Since the 1980s the trucking industry has sky rocketed. That capital earned is put back into the company and a profit is still able to be made. Knowing the negative part …show more content…

• The trucking industry has grown over the years and does not discriminate on gender or race. The demographic of the trucking industry is across the board and it can appeal to older people as well. The people who are tired of the Fastlane and just want to work or the ones looking to take care of their family without having to be in the service industry working two jobs.
• Weather can cause produce not to flourish, which brings the transportation industry to a slow economy. As well as various season, also construction companies can play a big role in keeping the companies in business. However, for Action the only possible problems will be an issue on muddy sites and winds and all these can be found prior to delivery of your modular this will prevent dry run, which are costly. Dry runs are when a freight is being attempted to be delivered and for whatever reason the delivery or pick up cannot take place and would need to be sent back or held in order to be able to try again. …show more content…

By utilizing the internet search engine to find local or distant transporter to move the commodity as well as put out advertising about a company’s ability to haul freight to and from a destination at a price to gain business or just to put the companies name in every company’s mouth. Having a store to door service keeps the consumer happy like Canadas cartage service from the early 1900’s (Store-door delivery,1929). Marketing will help when companies overseas come in to do business in the United states and they will need a modular command post. Take for instance the royal British air force who sky dive and train with the United States Military in Ft. Hunter

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