The Dramatic Effectiveness of Three Soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet

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The Dramatic Effectiveness of Three Soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet was written in the early 19th century. The play was written at the peak of William Shakespeare's work and is considered as one of his most poetic plays. The choice of language is greatly varied and can be very emotional. It creates a great atmosphere and a superb play. During the play, Shakespeare uses many long and emotional speeches. These are called soliloquies. These soliloquies communicate with the audience sometimes creating dramatic irony. The long soliloquies also help to further the plot and they also include emotions of the characters and information about them. The soliloquies also differ from speeches in that during a soliloquy, there is usually only one character on the stage and what is being said is mainly directed towards the audience or to themselves, where as normal speeches can be directed to many other characters. In my essay the three soliloquies that I will be studying from Romeo and Juliet are from: § Act 2 Scene 3 § Act 4 Scene 3 § Act 5 Scene 3. The first soliloquy that I am going to study is from Act 2, Scene 3. This soliloquy take place in Friar Lawrence's cell. This is the first time that the audience meets Friar Lawrence in the play. Friar Lawrence's soliloquy comments on the fact that everything has some good, and all good can be abused and turned to bad. Friar Lawrence begins by welcoming the morning and saying good bye to the night that has just past. "The grey - eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Check' ring the eastern clouds with streaks of light;" this short passage shows that ... ... middle of paper ... ... of dramatic tension. Making the audience waning to shout out to Romeo. In my coursework essay I have commented on many points of all three of the soliloquies that I chose. For each soliloquy I studied the following; what has happened before the soliloquy, the content of the speech, what I learnt from past or future events, what I learned about the character, effectiveness of language and the dramatic effectiveness of the speech. I think that all three soliloquies have great meaning behind them and the each conveys different moods and messages. They also affect the atmosphere of the play. I particularly enjoyed Romeo's soliloquy as it had massive amounts of detail; there was a great deal of feeling behind what was said. Overall all three excellent in there own way and were a great pleasure to see as the audience.

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