The Dobe Ju/' hoansi

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The Dobe Ju/' hoansi

Ch 10: The Ju/' hoansi & their neighbors o The Ju/'hoansi share the Dobe area with the Herero and Tswana pastorals. o They grow crops and have herds yet are all based on kinship and are don't have developed markets or governments. o Herero's are the largest groups of in the Dobe area. They are Bantu speaking people. o Were influenced by the German missionaries who pushed them out of their land. They attacked colonists and Germany declared war, ultimately killing 60% of them. o Working on Herero cattle posts is major source of employment of the Ju. o With the H& T's came major ecological changes. o Wells were deepened to ensure water supply for stock and were also fenced in. o Has created more sanitary water but less is available. Goats have also destroyed the grass. And each cattle post now has a permanent population of houseflies. o Working for the Herero's gives a Ju a donkey to ride as well as an outfit. Wages are minimum but it offers a calf in the long run and ability to offer relatives hospitality. o Intermarriage is common with Ju women marry Black men. o Advantages- Ju woman are in the ar...

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