The Definition Of Sports Injuries In Sports

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I. Introduction
Sports injuries can be defined in many ways. Generally, sports injury is defined as a collective name for all types of damage that can occur in relation to sporting activities (Timpaka, et al., 2006). From the medical point of view, sports injuries is defined as a trauma or repetitive stress associated with the athletic activities. It can affect bones or soft tissues such as ligaments, muscles and tendons (Medical-Dictionary). Others may define it as an injury sustained during sporting activities for which an insurance claim is submitted (Bahr, 2008). Some may define sport injuries confined to injuries treated in a hospital casualty or other medical sustained by a player that results from a football match or football training, irrespective of the need for medical attention or time-loss from football activities (Fuller, 2006). Even though these definitions differ, all of these are accepted definitions of sports injury.
The ancient Greek games was the first ever to have records of sports injuries. The desire for victory and fame led to the creation of athletic events. The sporting activities before did not have as much rules as it does now and this lack of detailed rules was the main cause …show more content…

Hamstring’s strain pain is at the back of the thigh when bending, walking and straightening the leg. It is caused by tearing of muscle fibers. It can be treated by elevating the leg when sitting or lying down and applying some ice for 15 minutes at least twice or thrice a day. The pain in shin splint is located at the tibia (shin) and fibula of the lower leg. It is caused by overuse in training and tight lower leg muscle. It can be treated by resting the leg, put some ice and stretching the calf. To avoid hamstring and shin splints, always stretch the muscles before warm up and after training or

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