The Death Of Santiago's Death Theme

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Another aspect of dreams involves the aloofness of the masses as observed by the narrator when the Vicario brothers are plotting the murder. According to the narrator, people are fixated with the Bishop’s arrival to the extent that none considers the twins a threat to Santiago, despite the noticeable signs. On that account, dreams help foretell the repercussions of mass excitement with personalities in the story, and how it influences the lives of other individuals. It also signifies how love can result in the murder of an innocent person as seen in Santiago’s case with Angela.
Santiago’s pending murder is largely connected with the Bishop’s arrival to portray the failure of humanity and its contradictions. This is noticeable in the evil scheme to murder Santiago that goes unabated even with the evidence of clear signs. Therefore, formal religious practices such as the bishop’s visit also act as a distraction from the main activities in the community such as upholding good morals. It also reveals the fallacies and façade of religion in protecting potential felons such as the Vicario...

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