The Dandelion Alternate Ending

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Prologue She sits among the dandelions, smiling up at the sun. It’s an amaxing day. The birds are singing, the puffy clouds floating along, and nothing to do but sit like a princess in the grass. It feels like she could be in a movie. The perfect day, the not-so-photoshopped girl (the only thing that the movie wouldn't do), and nothing but time. And to be honest, she feels like a princess. That never happens. It’s always too short, too ugly, or something else. It was rare that she feels like this. She picks up a white dandelion and blows on it. No wish this time. She could afford to waste one wish. After all, there were thousands of other ones to wish on instead. She pops of the bare top, and splits the empty stem down the middle with her purple …show more content…

Ouch. I grab a dandelion cautiously, and hold the stem between my thumb and forefinger. Did I dare do it. It seemed silly. But, well the thousands upon hundreds of dandelions were pretty unexplainable. “I wish for a new dress!” And suddenly, the seeds of the dandelion lifted off the center and formed a whirling white tunnel around me. My sweats and tee disappeared, and was replaced with a frilly pink dress as the seeds fell back to the ground. I don't like pink. I pressed my pointer finger to my lip picked up another dandelion. “I wish for a spring, short white dress with a sweetheart neckline and a little lace at the hem” And the cloud of white spun around me, and gave a me a dress just like I had asked, but three times better. I reached up to fix my hair, but I found the unnecessary. Though I had no mirror, I found my hair perfect. It was in a French braid down the back off the head, and wisps of hair fell at the sides of my head perfectly. I walked slowly back to the house. Wait! What happened to my sweats and shirt then? I climbed the steps to my room. I opened my drawer, and found the puffy I had been previously wearing folded perfectly.

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