The Controversy Over Coed Schools

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Coed schools are just as good or better than single sex education schools and should not be put in schools.
Schools are having to pay more for single sex education

Price of schools will go up if we introduce single sex education in our school system.My evidence is that they will need more teachers to teach all the new classes and so those teachers will need to get paid and so it will limit the schools budget more.Someone may disagree with me because they can just put more people in a classroom so they will need the same amount of teachers that they had before the change.I believe that single sex education is not worth the price change for the little academic change.

Single sex education does not have that many advantages over coed schools.A 2014 study of 1.6 million students says that there is not that much of a grade difference in very many students and some that are different are not that big of differences of grade gaps from before and after.Someone may disagree with me because there is still a little bit of a difference and a little is better than none.Not many students will get any better education than normal.

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