The Concept Of Worship And The Content Of Worship

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"The Concept of Worship" and "The Content of Worship"

What is worship? Worship defined as the structuring of time to help it fulfill its purposes. Martin Luther defined Worship as God Speak (rede) to us through the word of God and that in return we talk (reden) back to Him in prayer and songs of Praise. Worship began with obedience to God and a one on one with God. Praise is congregational confirmation.
Worship according to John 4:24, God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and truth. There are five points I would like to address concerning the concept of Worship, one action leads to the next, finally visitation, this is true worship. 1) Bountiful Confidence – comes with your concept of God. You cannot worship someone you do not trust. 2) Admiration is the appreciation of the excellence of God. 3) Fascination – to be filled with the moral excitement, captivated charm, appreciation with who God is. To be struck with astonishment of His magnitude and His splendor of who He is. 4) Adoration means to love God with all the power within you …show more content…

The content of Worship involves yielding to God. There is a difference between submission and surrender. It is a matter of attitude: In war, one nation may surrender to the demands of another nation, but that does not mean they are in agreement with it. Submission implies that you are in agreement with what is asked. Submit yourselves unto God. True worship always involves giving (2 Sam. 24:24). Worship is recognizing GOD ON THE THRONE! We must bow before the authority of God. There can be no rivalry in our hearts with God— Worship must come from an undivided heart wholly given over to Him. He must have our undivided attention! Spurgeon would tell his preachers “When you preach, put God on the throne and man in the cellar!” Numerous preachers today preach just the opposite they place themselves on the

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