The Concept Of Discourse Community Summary

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A rhetorical analysis specially focuses on some rhetorical figures of the text. Frequently, there are many deep implications that the author had used to show how the arguments try to persuade the audiences. Many writers struggle with extending their ideas through the thesis statement toward to rhetorical analysis. In “The Concept Of Discourse Community”, John Swales had explained in details the concept of what he called a “discourse community.”
I have heard many people mentioned the phrase “community discourse” a few times before but I never understood this word in the exact way. Then the article of John Swales enlightened me that the discourse community is not just a group of random individual, instead they have their own rules to be set as …show more content…

To be honest, the topic is quite confusing and complex to read but Swales did a good job on outlining the meaning of a discourse community. In the manner of writing, structure plays an important role in keeping the readers interested long enough to read the whole article. That’s a reason why many authors use structure as a good way to touch the right chord of the audiences. He organized his reading into five different subheadings so that the readers can found it clarify to get his ideas. Each heading contains a thesis sentences that help to explain a brief note about this division of the chapter. By the way, the succinct statement also allow readers to get the brief summary whether they skims the text. Numbers were used by Swale as the part of the each segment, let us say, he separated coherently six different characteristics of the discourse community. It is also considered as a good way to organize and build the text so that the readers keep track of the situation. This listing method actually make each characteristic become special, rather than just combine everything together into one …show more content…

Therefore, evaluating sources when doing the research is an important skill. One more time, Swales gets us to pay our attention to his work when he made it very cleverly and artistry. Usually he shared his ideas wanted his readers to consider initially, then he provided excerpts from the works of other authors – it can be a clear proof or an example, to strengthen the credibility of his statements. This attracted the attention of readers to believe that this is the masterpiece of John Swales which is sum up from many meticulous researches of other reputable writers supporting his

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