Essay On Discourse Community

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My discourse community is a unique one because of how inclusive it is as well as the nice perks that come with being a basketball manager. There are tons of applications that the basketball team receives a year from people wanted to work the team as student managers, but yet only few get the job. Many people just want the job for all of the perks that come along with it, but they don’t realize the amount of hard work that the job really entails. However, some of our perks do include team Nike gear, good meals after practices, and traveling with the team on occasion. Those are just a few of the nice perks of being a student manager. I think that the fact that it is such an inclusive discourse community within our basketball team and specifically …show more content…

Our discourse community is important because we are the back bone for the basketball team here at UNM. We make everything in regards to practices, games, and even general stuff in the players and coaches lives at basketball 10 times easier. Our goal as student managers is to make to the lives of players and coaches around basketball easier so that all the players have to do is play and all the coaches have to do is coach. Enthusiastic, hardworking, and selfless people are what makes our managerial staff thrive. These are the types of people that you need to have on any team in order to be successful at what you …show more content…

As long as you do your job well and have a positive personality/attitude, people are going to love you within the basketball program. The identities that are allowed are hardworking identities. If you want to slack off and goof around when there’s work to do, then you might as well quit. Identities that are valued more than others include being humble, hardworking, and personable. If you work your butt off for the team with expecting little in return you’re most likely going to thrive and it really does help to be personable in life, but especially around a division 1 sports program. The more players and coaches can relate to you; the more people are going to want to be around you. Like any job or activity, it’s a lot more fun when people like you, so this is a very important skill to

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