The Concentration Of Sodium Thiosulfate And The Time

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By analysing the results it could be seen that there was a relationship between the concentration of sodium thiosulfate and the time take for the cross to be no longer visible on the white tile through the solution. From graph 1 it could be seen that the concentration of sodium thiosulfate and the time taken for the reaction to be completed are inversely proportional, as when the concentration of sodium thiosulfate increases, the time taken decreases and the graph levels out as it approached the x-axis. Graph 2 supports this by showing that the concentration of sodium thiosulfate and the rate of the reaction share a linear relationship, meaning that the concentration is directly proportional to the inverse of the time taken.

From the graphs, it could be determined that the results are fairly precise due to the data points being fairly close rather than scattered. This can be seen as all the points are relatively close to the average value on graphs 1 and 2, not causing the trend line to be skewed.

Both graphs and data tables show that no anomalous results were present. This is evident within the data as no one point cause a major shift in the trend of the results.

A possible random error within the experiment may have caused scatter within the results is parallax error. This error may have occurred every time a measurement was taken from a measuring cylinder. This could have caused the time for the cross to disappear to be higher or lower than anticipated. If more thiosulfate were added, the reaction would have a lower average time and therefore a higher reaction time. The results showed that some data points had a higher reaction time than anticipated, meaning that this is a possible source of error within the experiment. ...

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...ld also do this. Both of these suggestions would give a better average and reduce scatter. Most of these changes are not necessary as the procedure is quite reasonable. However a change in the apparatus could improve the experiment. For example more equipment.
From the results gathered and the graphs drawn it is evident that the concentration of sodium thiosulfate is inversely proportional to the time take for the cross to disappear. Despite random and systematic errors being present, a trend can still be seen within the data. The experiment could be improved with changes to the procedure and apparatus.

The initial hypothesis held true when compared to the results acquired within the experiment. By completing the experiment it was found that the concentration of sodium thiosulfate was inversely proportional to the time take for the cross to disappear.

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