The City Of Robots Analysis

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Some people are meant to shine with the stars and others are falling stars that did not get a chance to shine. In the essay, “The City of Robots,” Umberto Eco analyzes the California Dream through his Disneyland experiences. The California dream has higher expectations than the American dream. Eco has good analogies that make this true. Eco’s fantasy of Disneyland correlates to the ‘dream and disaster” dichotomy because the California Dream is breathtaking, surreal, and deceiving. First of all, Disneyland is associated with the “dream and disaster” because not many can achieve the California Dream, but once it has been entered it can be exciting. For example, Eco discusses,”But as we begin walking down the first streets, the studied illusion …show more content…

This where the “disaster”part kicks in. People drop their lives to find out that the California Dream can be fake, including the people they meet through the experience. For example, Eco declares that, “Disneyland tells us that technology can give us more reality than nature can” (586). All the technology thetis ran by California can make the dreamer believe that Hollywood can give them much more than their personal surroundings can. The sad part about it is that there is no one that can them the truth. The dreamer has to pretty much experience it themselves in order to believe that fake side of the California Dream. The California Dream is not one hundred percent fake. It just has many sides that no one will see coming and that no one brings up. People are brainwashed into thinking it can be the greatest thing in the world and that it’s better than all the other dreams people can attain. The author also states, “What is falsified is our will to buy, which we take as real, and in the sense Disneyland is really the quintessence of consumer ideology” (586). A dreamer can drop everything without knowing if they can make it in California. Maybe they have been saving up and use that money for a down payment on an apartment in Los Angeles hoping they can soon get a job. Although California’s wage is higher than most states, it is not a cheap place to live in. It sets up the dreamer for failure. They can’t seem to get a

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