The Changing World of Work

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The Changing World of Work

For this assignment the aim of the report it going to focus and

explain on how such organisations benefit from career management and

in what ways career management benefits individuals. The demand for

excellent people is always high but the supply, unfortunately, always

falls well short of demand. The naturally excellent sales person,

manager, accountant and so on, is already working for someone else

perhaps in his or her own business and there is short fall for

experienced qualified individuals that some of these firms and

companies are looking for, so this assignment will explain how career

management is very beneficial for people planning there career and how

it is helpful.

Whether you’re setting new goals for your future or re-evaluating your

career, having a “plan” is crucial to proper career management; it’s

like setting out a road map to get you to a new and exciting


When looking for a change of career many organisations will look for

experience and knowledge people to ensure they are the right person

for the job.

Many careers are mostly open to Graduates and so it is worthwhile

getting a degree, as this would boost your abilities and push you in

the right direction. In most cases the degree gives you training in

being literate, numerate, computer literate, able to precise

information, able to use libraries and electronic data basis, able to

give short talks, able to produce high quality reports using a word

processor etc.

Through career management an individual will benefit by gaining skills

such as personal learning style, planning skills, employability

skills, c...

... middle of paper ...

...he job. Career management is not as simple as

providing a list of possible jobs that meet a person’s preferences.

There needs to be a balance against the requirements of a job and the

organisation. The management of talent is not just about recruiting

employees, it is about understanding an organisation’s current

workforce, their skills and preferences, and matching these to a

workforce plan driven by the organisation’s strategic direction. When

you start your career planning, or access the University’s careers

guidance service, you should remember it is not just about helping you

to choose a career or find a job. It is equally about equipping you

with the skills and attitude to seek out information and to become

more self-confident and self-reliant to help you with meeting your

career targets and plans for the future.

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