The Cay: Summary

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The book The Cay is about a boy that was on a boat and the boat got shot by a missile. The boy was on the boat and didn't make it to a lifeboat and something hit him and he woke up on a island. On the island he seen a black man name timothy. Then the boy father went to war on a ship and the ship got hit by a missile. Then with Phillip and his mother on board the ship S S Hato sailing away from Curacao on their way to Virginia. Then the black man name timothy gaved the boy water to drink. Timothy was one of the only black people to remember his age. The boy and Timothy always thought that a aircraft would always past by. Then they built a shelter to sleep in for the night. Then Timothy and the boy would eat flying fish if they went on land with them.The first night on the raft, Phillip doesn't know what to think of Timothy, because he has never known any black people. He starts to ask Timothy questions and finds out that Timothy is from the island of St. Thomas. Timothy never knew his parents and doesn't even know his exact age, although he knows he is older than sixty. …show more content…

Towards noon on the third day, Timothy says tensely that he hears a motor. Phillip listens carefully, and, sure enough, hears the far-off sound of an engine. Then, Timothy sees an island. Phillip is so excited that he falls off the raft and into shark-infested water. Timothy jumps into the water after Phillip and saves him. Then Timothy gets a good look at the island. Then Timothy brings the raft to land. He carries Phillip and Stew Cat ashore, and then goes to explore the island. Phillip, who is still blind, is terrified when left alone, and imperiously orders Timothy to promise not to leave him again. Phillip is angry that they have landed on an island which is uninhabited, but Timothy says that he will make a camp, catch langosta, or lobsters, for food, and that hopefully,

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