The Benefits Of Private School Education

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Education plays a major role in a person’s life as it provides people the knowledge of everything surrounding them. Education in the United States follows a consistent pattern. Parents will normally put their children into preschool at the age of three. The majority of kids in the United States will choose to complete college after finishing high school. Students will spend an average of twenty years in school. Some of the advantages for private school education include a higher acceptance rate into college, smaller classes, and dedicated teachers.
There are two types of schools in the United States, those being public school and private school. Private schools first appeared in the 1660’s in New Netherland. They started showing up in the united states by the eighteenth century. They were first organized by individual teachers who thought that they could increase their income by teaching older kids and …show more content…

Having teachers who are more dedicated to their students is an advantage because they will be able spend more time working one on one with the students. An article says “Within the tight-knit school community, students have close relationships with their teachers who commonly act as role models” (Fanjoy). Students who build a bond with their teacher leads them to trust them more and having more respect towards them. Teachers will also have more time to spend making lessons more in depth. According to the article Advantages of Private Schools says “Teachers make portfolios of each student that contain their scores of education and other extracurricular activities. These portfolios help students to work hard to improve their grades and students compete for their classmates in a positive manner” (Sharlyn). Teachers will be able to help students keep their grades up and help them when they need it. Teachers can work better with smaller classes and help the students out as much as they

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