Comparing Public Schools and Private Schools

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Public School vs. Private School

There have been many discrepancies between the values of a public school as opposed to a private school. Advocates of private school argue that the education received in one of these facilities is more valuable and rewarding than any other educational opportunity.

On the other hand, supporters of public schools feel that the students are better-rounded, both scholastically and worldly, when in public schools. As a public school graduate, I feel that I have been exposed to all types of diversity and situations that have made me better adapted for the real world.

First things first, much of the difference between the two have to do with money. Public schools are funded by tax dollars, whereas private schools demand tuition from their students. Public schools are prohibited from charging for tuition, or other fees that could incur, such as: transportation, materials, and textbook. On the opposite end, private schools, charge for tuition, and many charge for textbooks and materials.

Public schools and private schools handle their schools and curriculums very differently. Public schools do not have any say in the curriculum they are given. The state writes the curriculum and the standards that are meant to be met by the students. Private schools make up their own curriculum and it is up the discretion of the school what the graduation requirements should be.

The curriculum that the state requires to be taught is core based. The basics are taught; English, math, social studies and science. On average, these subjects are taught about three hours more a week than in private schools. This is beneficial because there is more time to discuss in topics in depth, and to also ...

... middle of paper ... led to the girl leaving the private school to attend a public one. She enjoyed the new diversity of her new school and the extra-curricula?s available. A male public student agreed with her, saying that it is an individual act, and that it is up to you to make the best of your education. He feels that everyone has the same offered to them; it is just a matter of who accepts it and who rejects it. These two subjects decided that they are more prepared thanks to the diversity in their schools. The girl especially feels this way, considering she experienced both educational systems.

There are both many negatives and positives to each educational system. Deciding on where to send your child is based upon personal preferences and expectations. All of the factors discussed in this paper have to be considered and compared in order to fully make the decision.

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