What Is Homeschooling: Pros And Cons?

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Homeschooling There are many families that are taking their children out of public and private school’s classroom to move the classroom to their homes. In both articles, the parents have different reasons for why they are choosing to homeschool instead of keeping their children in public or private schools. Homeschooling is not for everyone and cannot be taken lightly. There are many different reasons why families would rather homeschool instead of sending their children to public schools. According to parents.com, Jamie Martin wrote an article on What Is Homeschooling? Martin, goes on to state that homeschooling is a progressive movement around the country and the world, in which parents choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school (Martin, n.d).
This paper will give pros and cons on homeschooling. Why homeschooling would or wouldn’t be good for a family. Public schools are still the most popular way to educate a child. Depending on where a person lives and is zone for education a child could end up in a public school that is outstanding or a school that is failing in their academics. Being in a public school offers so much more than just academics. Going to a public school a …show more content…

Parents should do their research to make sure they are able and prepared to homeschool their children. Each state has their own requirements for homeschooling and most families pays for the studies themselves. In certain areas, enrollment in a state based program is optional. If that is the case, then the state pays for specific resources in exchange for the homeschool meeting certain requirements to remain in the program. If the child is already in public or private school and the parent decides to homeschool. The parent would need to write a letter of withdrawal that has to be given to the school principal or the local

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