Physical attractiveness is everything in this day and age. Possessing attractive physical traits will make your life a lot easier in most ways compared with those who do not possess such traits. People perceive physically attractive people as smarter, more successful, more sociable, more dominant, sexually warmer, mentally healthier and higher in self- esteem than their physically unattractive counterparts. The natural tendency to ascribe all sorts of positive traits to beautiful people also means that they are given more breaks in life. Physical attractiveness in the workplace is a huge advantage according to various studies. One study found that employees above-average in looks earn 5% more than average-looking employees (Elmer & Houran). When facing the judicial system for various crimes, physically attractive criminals found guilty have been found to receive lesser sentences compared to that of the sentences received by physically unattractive criminals. Physically attractive people have also been found to be more easily accepted socially then physically unattractive people. The benefits that attractiveness typically confers to the attractive in social interactions may also yield status inequalities that again advantage the attractive (Frevert & Walker, 2014). Physical attractiveness in the workplace is a major advantage according to various studies. Physically attractive job candidates whose qualifications are similar to those of less attractive candidates are more likely to be hired for the same job (Elmer & Houran). Beyond the initial hiring phase, possessing physically attractive traits may also play a role in subsequent occupational status attainment. For example, Navy sailors who were rated as highly attractive in compa... ... middle of paper ... ...gular study of the con of being physically appeasing, in this case, the “beauty is beastly effect”, it is quite obvious that the benefits far outweigh the negatives. In conclusion Physical attractiveness is everything in this day and age. Possessing attractive physical traits will make your life a lot easier in most ways compared with those who do not possess such traits. Possessing physically attractive traits can help in many ways, including influencing how others perceive you, first impressions, social acceptance, assumptions of competence within the workplace, climbing the ladder within a company and receiving less or lighter punishment within the judicial system. If one possesses traits that are deemed to be attractive it is almost guaranteed that one will have a much easier life than those who are not considered to be physically attractive.
Currently television networks and stations require a set appearance and weight standards for news reporters, newscasters, weather forecaster. Our society looks at the news and weather to see not only the news and weather but the persons. They believe that physical attractiveness and pleasing body image have long been known to have marketplace advantages. Therefore many organizations set appearance standards for their employees, because they think that will project a particular image and as well as a favorable working environment. (Harvey & Allard , 2012, p. 231)
on a scale from 1 to 3, the importance men gave to good looks rose from 1.50 to 2.11. But for women, the importance of good looks in men rose from 0.94 to 1.67. In other words, women in 1989 considered a man look’s more important than men considered women’s looks 50 years earlier
Hosoda, M., Stone-Romero, E. F., & Coats, G. “The effects of physical attractiveness on job-related outcomes: A meta-analysis of experimental studies”. Personnel Psychology, 56 (2003): 431-462.
Redefined, Beauty. "Body Positive Sticky Notes." BEAUTY REDEFINED. Beauty Redefined Blog, Jan. 2014. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. .
Physical Attractiveness And Courtship. Sexual Behaviour, I, 22-25 Walster, E. (1966) Importance Of Physical Attractiveness In Dating Behaviour. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 4, 508-516 Wilson, G. (1983) QED:The Science Of Sexual Attraction, BBC Television.
In the realm of work the appearance of someone’s body has a significant impact on their success according to Lorber and Yancey. In the text it was emphasized how height is idealized in the work world because it shows authority and being superior to peers and competition. Weight, height, race and jaw shape all are characteristics that have been observed to play a particular role in decision-making for leaders, e.g. the men with looks far from ideal had rarely moved up in military status in comparison to those with more idealized looks (253).
Facial symmetry is also linked to agreeableness, extraversion and conscientiousness, so good-looking people generally find it easier to make friends and hold down jobs. Attractive people are most likely to succeed because some companies are looking for models to be on the cover of their magazines. They are always making money just to be on the cover of a book that people always complain about and they would just say that should I try this product do you think it will help my stubborn fat and try to lose it by taking this daily with food or water. Researchers say that they can tell if people are attractive or unattractive because they watch guys looking at women and giving facial expressions to tell the other person what they think about the girl or girls.
There is a famous saying that states, “ we should not judge a book by its cover”, but oftentimes the first thing noticed on a person is their looks. One’s “physical beauty” strongly influences people’s first impressions of them. As a whole, we tend to assume that pretty people are more likeable and better people than those who are unattractive. Around the world, we believe that what is beautiful is good. There is a general consensus within a culture about what is considered physically appealing and beautiful. “Physical beauty” is associated with being more sociable, intelligent, and even socially skilled. Society shares this common notion of who has and who does not have “physical beauty”. Thus, “physical beauty”, as seen
Physical appearance affects the personal development of individuals. An attractive physical appearance can attract lot of people. It makes them sociable and individuals are more courteous of them. For examples film stars have elegant looks. (Patzer, 2006).
Given the number of women that appear in advertisements aimed at men, it is possible that the male viewer’s image of himself is affected by the female’s images to which he is exposed. Despite men being generally more satisfied with their body image, the increasing pressure seen in marketing efforts to appear physically attractive and muscular may also result in a change in body image perceptions (Gulas and McKeage, 2000), to strive toward developing a muscular body to appear more masculine (Baird and Grieve, 2006).
Our physical appearance counts all the time. It reflects who we are, how we carry ourselves, and how we represent the company we work for. All employers look for someone with a favorable appearance that sets a person to be competent, professional, and confident that will make an impact to their company. Either way we are judged by how we physically appear. Good appearance makes a person stand out among others especially when applying for a job. Besides having all the skills needed for the job, professional appearance helps a person to be noticed and recognized by employers. Physical appearance is also a factor of how a person feels about himself. Good appearance boosts self-confidence. It attracts positive energy which helps a person express oneself and makes others pay more attention to you.
Employment discrimination legislation has evolved to include race, disabilities, sexual harassment of either gender, and age. In lieu of this evolution and an increasing trend toward equality for all individuals in the workplace, the time has come for the protective reach of employment discrimination law to cover ugliness. While the proposal may cause titters at first, evidence exists that discrimination based on looks (or physical appearance) occurs in the workplace. An investigation was conducted by ABC’s 20/20 news program in 1994 that sent two men and two women into the workplace to secure the same jobs (Sessions 1). The individuals were coached to act in a similar manner during the interviews and took with them resumes with matching education and experience. The only difference was that one of the men and one of the women was superior in physical attraction to their counterpart. The results demonstrate whether intentional or not, looks discrimination does play a role in the employment process “In five cases out of five, the more attractive woman got the job; in three chances out of three, the more attractive man was hired” (Sessions 1).
Throughout history many researchers came up with ideas on what makes a person beautiful and what cause them to be unattractive. Plato, a famous philosopher, argued that the face that held the golden proportions was what made a person beautiful. “The width of the ideal face would be two –thirds its length and the nose no longer than the distance between the eyes” (Espejo 24). These are only a few things that make up the golden proportions. Researchers claim that averageness is what makes a person good looking (Espejo 24). However, according to Lisa DeBruine an experimental psychologist, “When it come to some key features, such as big eyes and small chins in women, being distinctly nonaverage can be better” (qtd. in Espejo 24). Big eyes and small chins are feminine traits. How masculine or how feminine a face is could determine how attractive the person is.
There is no surprise that people who are considered to be generally and overall more attractive, pretty, beautiful or just plain hot get better treatment or opportunities than those who are less attractive, pretty, handsome, hot, etc. in comparison. Although there is the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” humans tend to subconsciously reward these people for their amazing facial features. Not only does the human brain want to physically reward these attractive people but it also wants to reward itself for simply looking at the attractive person.
Physical beauty is merely an illusion of who someone’s true self and is always noticed first. There are countless examples of people being beautiful with a nice body yet a terrible person inside. When someone looks at a physically beautiful person, they often think of them as friendly and caring because their physical beauty is giving off an illusion to others. Although physical beauty is an illusion, people are attracted to physically beautiful people. When someone we think is attractive walks into the room, we are drawn toward them. However, this is only superficial because once you talk to a physically beautiful person and they are unkind, unwelcoming, and only worried about their appearance, most people do not want to be around them.