The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi Regime to Transform German Society

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The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi Regime to Transform German Society

When the Nazis came to power in 1933 they began to introduce a set of

ideas into the German society. These ideas were based on the Nazi

ideology, which had been outlined by Hitler in his book "Mein Kampf"

or "My Struggle" a few years earlier. This essay will examine the

Nazis' attempts to integrate their ideological beliefs about youth and

about women into the German society. The essay will also assess the

success of this integration.

The Nazis had a number of different aims for the youth and therefore

their education needed to be suitable. The Nazis' overall aim was to

create a generation of racially pure Germans who were ready to serve

their country. Therefore it was necessary to mould physically strong

young boys who were prepared for war. This meant that their teaching

emphasis was upon military values and all their lessons had a military


Young German girls were encouraged to become child bearing and home

keeping women. This Nazi ideal revolved around the policy of the three

K's Kinder, Kűche und Kirche (Children, Kitchen, Church). This

ideological belief will be discussed later in this essay in relation

to the Nazi views of women. The Nazis' method for achieving this task

was the forced membership of the Bund deutscher MÄdel (BdM) the League

of German Maidens. This was a youth organisation run by the Nazis to

promote their views.

The German youth during the Nazi reign was also encouraged to be

anti-Semitic. This was also taught in the German schools and through

the German youth organisations mentioned earlier. In school the

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...e dominant race above the sub humans. They would

achieve this by going to war, the boys would grow up in to brilliant

fighting units where as the girls would be around for baby making for

more "fighting units". What the Hitler youth was was a training camp

for the "Aryan" race. For example if there is a race between two

people and one of them does lots of training while the other is not

allowed to train then the one that has had the training will probably

win. As time went on more and more youths stoped going to the hitler

youth organisations and eventually it became the in thing to do. These

people would listen to banned music and sing English or American

songs.Nazi Germany was a very male dominated socity (the Nazi views

that a womens place was at the home bringing up children). So all the

important jobs went to men.

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