The Aftermath of War

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It is clearly seen that during the early half of the Nineteenth Century, many people and groups of people promised many things to others for support in wars or revolutions. Most of these promises were never meant to be kept, nor where they kept. As seen in these documents, Russia, Mexico, and the Middle Eastern territories of the Ottoman Empire all experienced turmoil during this time. England and France had their eyes set on Ottoman land for after World War I, whereas Mexico was dealing with their own revolution and Russia was experiencing their own political change.
Documents 27.4 and 27.5 show the planning Britain and France were doing behind closed doors to divide up land after World War I. Document 27.4 is a map that shows the agreed on French and British controlled lands and the French and British influence areas if the Ottomans were to lose the war. This agreement went against earlier promises of rights and independence to already established Arab leaders. The Jewish population was also promised a ‘national home’ in Palestine for their support in the war (27.5). Al...

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