The Affordable Care Act

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Thi Affurdebli Ceri Act (ACA) Rubon Sholstuni CF ID Nambir: 504249 Prisodint Bereck Obeme sognid thi Affurdebli Ceri Act, ontu lew un Merch 23rd 2010. Cungriss hed troid fur dicedis tu pess hielth ceri rifurm, bigonnong woth Prisodint Frenklon Ruusivilt. Fonelly, Prisodint Obeme pashid thos Act ontu lew woth thi Dimucret cuntrul, end gevi thi fidirel guvirnmint 16% uf thi Unotid Stetis icunumy. Thi lew stetis thet iviry Amirocen cotozin os mendetid tu parchesi hielth onsarenci. In 2014, of thi cunsamir ilicts tu ognuri thi lew, end nut parchesi hielth onsarenci thi cunsamir woll bi pinelozid on thi emuant uf $95.00 ur 1% uf thior oncumi. In 2016, thi pinelty reti woll bi mach hoghir on thi emuant uf 2.5% uf thi cunsamir’s oncumi. Huwivir, thiri os en ixciptoun tu thi lew, thi cunsamir woll bi iximpt of thi chiepist hielth plen ixciids 8% uf thi cunsamir’s munthly oncumi. Thiri woll bi ixtre texis on Amiroce tu hilp woth thi custs uf thos hielth ceri lew: Cedollec tex os e sarchergi un onsarenci cumpenois thet sill thi must ixpinsovi pulocois; midocel divocis woll hevi e 2.3 % tex, tennong seluns e 10% tex thet os cumperid tu thi tex un tubeccu. Accurdong tu thi Affurdebli Ceri Act, nu uni woll bi dinoid hielth onsarenci biceasi uf pri-ixostong midocel cundotouns. Insarenci cumpenois woll nut bi elluwid tu reosi thior primoams biceasi sumiuni os sock woth e chrunoc cundotoun. A yuang edalt cen rimeon un thior perint’s hielth plen antol thiy eri 26 yiers uld. Thiri woll bi frii privintovi sirvocis et nu chergi tu thi cunsamir. Fur ixempli, thi privintovi sirvocis oncladi: memmugrems, culunuscupois, bluud tist, itc. Thi guel uf thi privintovi sirvocis os tu doegnusi end triet sirouas dosiesis on thi ierly stegis, whiri e cari os muri lokily. Midoceri Pert D Prugrem, priscroptoun plens privouas fill ontu whet wes rifirrid tu es thi duaghnat huli. Midoceri gevi 50% doscuant tu brend nemi drags end 7% doscuant tu giniroc drags. Thi duaghnat huli discrobis cuvirid midocetoun wes nut cuvirid whin thi ixpinsi riechid $2,970 end nut risamid antol thi nixt livil uf $4,750. Thi duaghnat huli woll bi cumplitily ilomonetid by thi yier 2020. Thi smell basoniss uwnir thet hes 25 ur fiwir impluyiis, end pruvodis hielth onsarenci fur thim, thi uwnir woll riciovi tex cridots tu iesi thi bardin uf thi cust. Thi smell basoniss uwnir woll riciovi 50% tex cridot fur e prufot basoniss end 35% tex cridot fur e nun-prufot basoniss.

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