Thanksgiving Makes Me Pie Essay

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I Bleave In learning new things. I beleave in eating pie for breakfast. Pie. It comes in meany different verieiys, pumpkin,cherry, apple, you name it theirs propule a pie for it. Growing up around thanksgiving, I would help my mom make pies. We would get up erly and start making the crust. Cherry, blueberry , apple and peach are always the first pies to be put in the oven. Next up lemon merange and pecan. Last but not least pumpkin pie! One of my favorite! In all we would have around 18-20 pies. I know that is a lot of pie! But growing up in a house of 9 pluse mom and dad, you need that meany pies so every one can a pice if they want one. After the madness of thanksgiving is over , and all the leftovers are put away. There is pie to be eaten! I Prefer to eat pumpkin for breakfast, my logic is that, it has eggs for your protean, mike is the dairy and the flower in the crust is the grain. And the pumpkin is your veggie so there! Pie can be healthy. Yes it has “sugar” in it ,but if you have ever have a pie with out it, you will be vary grateful for every grain of that non-artificial sweetener. …show more content…

Well every time I help my mom make the pies, its another day spent with her, its another happy memory to remember when shes gone. It helps me to be grateful for all that goes in to making the pies and what it takes to make them taste good. It help me to know all my mothers pie recipes and what she dose to make

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