Descriptive Essay For Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving has been a traditional feast for my sisters and I, a holiday we looked forward to because it indicated no school and a time for all our family to come together. The usual attendees of Thanksgiving are from my mother’s side of the family, whom consist of my two aunts and their husbands, my mother’s two cousins and their husbands, and my six cousins, along with my parents and two younger sisters. My mother and aunts claim that they do invite some of their friends or cousins that I do see in other family occasions, but the core group is made up of the people listed above. The hosts of Thanksgiving are determined around the end of October, and unless my family are the hosts for Thanksgiving, my family and I have to travel to northern …show more content…

Most of the relatives come to the host’s house at the stated time to prepare for the Thanksgiving dinner. After the host and the other attendees say hello to each other, the women take their dishes and gifts (usually alcohol or pastries) to the kitchen and begin to heat up their food and help the wife set up the table and the other side dishes she has prepared beforehand. The men however begin migrating outside where the husband is cooking the turkey, and they often share a beer while they wait. The younger children wait inside, playing with one another or watching television. It is often a hectic but lively time inside as the women are joking and talking with one another, while the outside of the house is much calmer as the men are simply drinking and chatting occasionally while keeping an eye out for the turkey. After an hour or so, the turkey is finished and the women hurriedly finish their dishes and begin to place all the food, paper plates, utensils, and the centerpiece, the turkey, on the table. Chairs are spread out all across the dining room, living room, and outside for everyone to have a place to sit since we cannot all fit at the dining table. Once everything is in place, everyone is called to come to the dining room to pray before eating.

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