Thank You Ma Am Essay

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In the short story Thank You Ma'am by Langston Hughes, the main character Mrs. Jones is kind. In the story a young boy named Roger tries to steal from her. She catches him, confronts him, realizes that he is poor and has no family and immediately takes him in. She cares for him, teaches him right from wrong and feeds him. She gets him back on his feet with what she could give and sends him off back into the real world. Mrs. Jones is kind because she teaches Roger a lesson, she helps him, and she wants a good future for him.
Mrs. Jones is kind because she teaches Roger a lesson. “Mrs. Jones said, ”You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong.” (Pg. 1) She is offering to help him out and trying to teach him that stealing is wrong. She did this almost right after he tried to steal from her. Mrs. Jones first confronted but then almost immediately forgave him and started offering to help him out. She did this because she knew that he didn't have anybody that would teach him right from wrong or even feed him because he had nobody. Kind means having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature, therefore Mrs. Jones is considerate and friendly to Roger because she knows that he doesn't have a family or a home. This scene shows that Mrs. …show more content…

Jones changes throughout the story. She shows her dark side when she catches Roger stealing from her. She confronts him and makes a big deal about it on the street. But then she breaks down into her sympathetic and gracious side when she figures out that he has no money, no family and no home. She teaches him the lessons of not stealing and being kind. She does this because she was in this kind of situation when she was younger and she doesn't want that upon Roger. We can all learn from Mrs. Jones that you can always forgive, you can always be kind and that what you see in someone is almost never the whole picture. So you should always be kind even if you think that the person doesn't deserve

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