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Environmental effects of tourism
Environmental effects of tourism
Environmental effects of tourism
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Over the past century the city of Brownsville, Texas has had a tourism based economy, but there are new threats to that long tradition. The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant companies have decided that the tradition should change with the justification of “helping” the economy. Although the LNG plants might help the economy briefly the harmful effects will have a longer impact on the environment than the economy. According to the KRGV News “The Town of Laguna Vista [opposes to] the LNG project,” and if the whole community opposes to the change then would not that be enough to stop the project (KRGV)? If the people of the town believe that it, the town, would be better off without it, the LNG plant, then let the people choose! “Our only industry here is tourism,” said one of the town’s people, Kerry Schwartz, the people know what they are doing (Schwartz). The people have been there long enough, without the plant, to know how the economy works and to run their town. The people know what is best for them and their beloved town. …show more content…
Texas Parks and Wildlife have the concerns of: damage to the wetlands, impact on native vegetation, sound and light pollution, and diminished aesthetic to the coastal landscape,” to name a few (KRGV). The damage to the wetlands, native vegetation, and the pollution will last far longer than the benefit to the economy. Of the visual aesthetic of the now beautiful coastal landscape diminishes, then it will also diminish the economy since it is based on tourism, plus no one wants to visit an industrial wasteland. The tourist do not want to see the large corporate buildings instead of the beautiful beaches they are accustomed
I live in Houma, Louisiana so I have tons of experience with the bayou region of South Louisiana. Everywhere I look in Houma there is a bayou, which is a good and bad thing. With a bayou comes many great things such as Egrets, Spanish Moss, etc. The bad thing about seeing many bayous is that it is a constant reminder that one day, Houma might be a part of the Gulf of Mexico. Also my dad’s side of the family is from Chauvin and Golden Meadow which is not too far from where the real damage of eroding wetlands is. I go down to Chauvin sometimes to visit my Nanny and her husband. I always see houses on stilts because of possible flooding that could come if a hurricane passes through. One of the issues that Mike Tidwell caught my interest was that the wildlife in bayous will one day be diminished into smaller numbers. That is because the eroding land causes brown shrimp, crabs, and other seafood to die out. Many residents in South Louisiana make a living off of seafood so to have most of that industry die out will hurt the economy of South Louisiana. I just found this issue very interesting.
In the video “Fracking Hell: The Untold Story” by Link TV explains how natural gas has been a huge problem not only for the earth in general but for everyone and everything living in it. The video explains how North East of Pennsylvania is having difficulties to conserve a healthy environment and people. North East of Pennsylvania is the main sources to extract gas and send it throughout the United States for gasoline and so on. However, this action is wonderful for the cost of gas, but has a huge impact on the environment and the people living in Pennsylvania. A lot of people in this state are worried having health issues because everything is not usable is being thrown out to the rivers where they get their fresh water.
...n, the Louisiana wetlands are an extremely valuable asset to the State of Louisiana and the United States. The continual loss of Louisiana wetlands has the potential to have an immensely negative effect on the economy at a state and national level. Over 2 million people live in the Louisiana coastal parishes (Field et al., 1991). The majority of people living on the Louisiana coast make their living from things that are directly related to the wetlands. The Louisiana wetlands make up the largest wetland community in America and is being lost at a rate greater than the other wetland communities in the country. The suggested strategies that are being taken into consideration could be helpful but it seems that the State of Louisiana is not as concerned as it should be given the future consequences and much like climate change coastal erosion is not being taken serious.
Nature designed Florida to be one large marine ecosystem. Florida is one big sand peninsula located below the 40th longitudinal North American line. Three bodies of salt water (Gulf of Mexico, Strait of Florida and Atlantic Ocean) surround three out of four directions of Florida. Man-made canals, natural lakes, rivers and estuaries are confined within the State of Florida’s physical boundaries. All of these form an interlocking system of waterways that impact the interconnected marine environment (marine ecosystem). All of Florida’s waterways are connected back to the surrounding bodies of water while passing through Florida’s sub-tropical and temperate zones and impact the delicate marine ecosystem balance. Man and nature are causing a negative impact to this region like never before. Hurricanes, lack of green initiatives, garbage, pollution and the stripping of natural resources for population growth are decimating Florida’s natural ecosystems.
Maintaining ecological diversity is necessary for the survival of a biological community. In the United States, American citizens are on the verge of irrevocably damaging one of the country's most unique and diverse treasures - the Florida Everglades. This national park is now the only remaining patch of a river that used to span 120 miles from Lake Okeechobee to the Florida Bay. Dikes and levees created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1940's drained this river to reduce flooding and increase useable water for the development of the region. This major diversion of water lead to a trickle down effect causing the continual decline of the environmental state of the Everglades. Since then, debates over the Everglades' future have silently raged on for years about how, why, and when the restoration will begin. This ongoing, but virtually unproductive effort has cost taxpayers a great deal without any apparent benefits. Recently, this debate has been amplified by the voices of the sugar industry in Florida, which was attacked for its major contribution to pollution of the Everglades. Now debates rage on with a new effort called the Restudy. Backed by the Army Corps of Engineers, this effort would change the flow of the Everglades, potentially restoring it into the viable community of life that it used to be. The question now is, will this latest attempt to restore the Everglades ever be realized (thus ending the cyclic Everglades debate) or will it simply add up to one more notch on the bedpost of inadequate and failed attempts to save this national treasure. The world is watching to see how the United States will handle this unprecedented cleanup.
This is a result from the new levee system. This system prevents the natural ways of sediment re-depositing along the riverbank and wetlands. The levees lead the sediment to deposit off the continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico. (15) This adds to the loss of wetlands along the coast. Wetlands are important to the economy in more than one way. They serve as homes for fish which fishermen catch then sell and they protect the mainland from getting the full effect of storm surge during a hurricane. “Every 2.7 miles of wetlands absorbs one foot of storm surge” (1.2). Without wetlands and barrier islands working as a barrier, the mainland could experience even more damage during
The preponderance of crimes in Groveland can be explained using the theories of social disorganization, strain theory, social control theory, and even labeling theory. Social disorganization theory, is emphasized the most throughout the narrative in Black Picket Fences. As described above, the moral fabric of law-abiding citizens and Groveland gangsters alike, contribute to crime being kept a minimum. Furthermore, various efforts of social control on the parts of both parties contribute to crime or lack thereof. In example, by Black Mobsters keeping drug activity in Groveland at a minimum, they are securing their profits on the one hand and deterring additional crime on the other
The Florida Everglades have been slowly and steadily diminishing in size for over many decades. Throughout the years, the Everglades have had an abundant, healthy environment. The massive swamps were once rich with marshland, and had ecosystems chock-full of wildlife. However, due to large corporations, natural disasters and most importantly, the growth of the human population, the Everglades are 50% smaller than they were hundreds of years ago. The destruction of the Florida Everglades includes not only a diminishing number of the marshland, but also the lessening of wild life, such as alligators, herons, and exotic plants. While there is a government plan set for the restoration of the everglades, it will take many years to make up for the
...overnment. This restoration plan is very controversial because it is the biggest environmental restoration plan in history. Many feel with a task this large many important ecological factors could be overlooked. The State of Florida has already spent billions of dollars on restoring various ecological problems in The Everglades, but it is not enough. The U.S. government has only given The State of Florida four hundred million dollars of the eight billion dollars due to them. Researchers say the quality and the hydrology of the water needs to be addressed now before it is too late. The expected completion of these fifty projects that will restore The Everglades is estimated to take around twenty more years. In 2012, twelve years after The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan was created little progress was achieved restoring the core of The Everglades.
Pennsylvania, along with being rich in coal, is now receiving kudos for its participation in the production of natural gas. An article composed by Madelon...
One of the major facets of tourism is transportation. The ability for people and equipment to be able to move from one place to another smoothly is not only a convenience but a necessity. Air transportation is one of the largest and fastest growing industries associated with tourism. From passenger travel to food and supply transport there are seemingly ever increasing numbers of flights occurring to help meet the demand. With the increase in flights, comes the increase of pollutants into the air, water, and soil. These emissions, as well as those from the electricity production are linked to acid rain, chemical pollution and global warming. These pollutants have effects not only in populated cities, but also in isolated natural environments as well. S...
I was born in Mexico, in Nuevo Laredo to be exactly I was born on November 7 of the 2001. I come to Laredo Texas on 2011 I was only 9 years old, I was on 5th grade when i was in Nuevo Laredo, I was about to start 5th grade in Nuevo Laredo but my dad decide to move to the United States. My first year here I was on 5th grade on kazen elementary I just went there for half a year because I came here when the year was already started, there on kazen I did some good friends that today after 4 years I still talk to them. At the next year i went to George Washington Middle School, there I did 6th grade through 8th grade, in Washington I did more friends, now some of those friends went back to Nuevo Laredo, but I still talk to them because they live
The Texas City Disaster of 1947 was a disaster that really left a impact to the world. The Texas City Disaster of 1947 was one of the world's worst industrial disasters.
In Harrisville, where the felons had raided the gun shop, they stopped to shoot half a dozen dead who blocked the intersection at the village's only traffic light. The goons began filtering onto the road from between the houses. Impatiently, Trey pointed back at the soldiers who didn't know that they were being surrounded. Illion had the good sense to initially order only those with suppressors to fire. A small voice began whispering in Trey's ear that it was time to go. He banged on the hood getting Joker's attention, "We got to go"!
People from all over the world go to beautiful beaches that are filled with water as clear as ice or as beautiful as diamonds. But, what will happen if we do not conserve the appealing sites that draw attraction to the public? Contaminated beaches has become a controversial issue to the public because of the causal problem, the harm to the people and marine animals, the government agencies supporting or opposing pollution, and the industries involved in creating such unlawful decisions. To create and find a solution, we must first find the core to the problem.