Test Clear Disadvantages

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Testing for drugs has become very common nowadays by a lot of companies.
Not only in sports, but also to get jobs in some companies for specific roles, drug test is required.
Majority of companies having sensitive roles that require drug testing.
Test clear is one such company that provides various drug testing products.
From past 7 years, Test clear has been providing help to people in testing various forms of drugs.
They use proven methods to test drugs and not just any water or anything to pass the test.
Employees are passed through routine tests to check if anyone is using any kind drugs.
A pre-employment form is filled for the same.
Drivers and staff members who have direct interaction with customers are usually passed through such requirement.
Typically, …show more content…

When the drug test is done, the main focus of the test is on measuring the smaller unit’s level present.
For example, if we consider weed, its main ingredient is THC, but after getting processed by the liver, it turns as THC – COOH making it measurable for urine test.
More than THC, THC – COOH has a longer tendency to stay in your system.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Test Clear
Many employers think that it is a good and valuable kit.
But, if employee’s point of view is taken into consideration, they feel there are only disadvantages of this drug test.
It allows employers to evaluate their employee’s potential in activities they participate in after moving out of their workplace.
The other advantage employers feel is it is very cost effective, unlike other areas; drug testing is the most inexpensive investment a company makes.
The obvious disadvantage of drug testing is its direct attack on privacy.
Although drug test has been made mandatory by law courts for employees, it still feels as an invasion on a person’s privacy for many

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