Ten Key Values: The Green Party

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The Green Party has been to make hope for more democratic, safer, cleaner world since 1984. Their American political goal decisions are made by the people and not by corporations. Their environment goals are where nature and human society is in harmony. The Green Party is the oldest, active Green organization in America. It was an organization that arose from the Green Ten Key Values which are now established by all the Greens in the United States. The Ten Key Values accurately accepted the point to a new society and way of life. There are many things that will have to be returned before a real democratic and Green society can continue such as violence and destruction. Today in America, one-fifth of the population collected about one half The Green Party’s national officers and National Committee are normal to act in a manner with the policy set by this platform. The Greens platforms is not required on the state and local affiliates. The platform does not follow the appreciation of the aspect the Green Party applicants at any level. The annual Green Congress alternated the signature to the Green Committees of Correspondence and to the Green Party. The membership of the Green Party management of individuals who compete in affiliated local and state grouping. They found that the same association and ideas that cause mess in the They were question about who the members are and if it increased their membership that will translate into an increased vote share. The Green Party’s membership split into two main groups, the green and red wings. The former group made up of older members who have a historical commitment. The latter group seems to be the younger members, who are committed but combined with philosophy. The latter group is importance because the leadership attention on issues of quality and fairness. The Green Party is most likely to take the step of coming together of the party. The fact the percentage of those that would vote for the Green Party at the general election, the party membership has been increasing slowly. They are getting more members from smaller groups. The increased support of the polls does not increase the party membership, because the party members are an unrepresentative, small number of people in the population who care about the party can join the Green

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