Televangelism Essay

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During the past days, the preachers and the religious men had to travel to a large places and distances in order to transmit the message of their heavenly religion. Is commonly used to take months and months to address non-believers for argumentation or discussion and to let people believe about the true religion. But modern media, global communication and the beginning of televangelism has made it easy for the religious scholars not only to address their own community, but to invite others for argumentation or discussion. Within a few years, almost each TV channel is transferring the Islamic program, soap operas, and reading competition. The word televangelism is a combination of television means a media used for moving images and evangelism means preaching a particular dogma or set of beliefs to …show more content…

This term was originated by Jeffrey K. Hadden, a sociology professor of America as a title for T.V miniseries featured by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1958 and Charles E. Swann was attributed for presenting it (AhmadParray, 2013).
It had already been used in 1952, by Fulton Sheen a famous Roman Catholic Bishop of America who was titled as the leading televangelist. In ancient times the preachers were sent across the world to achieve their religious goal and later, printing press was used in distribution of Bibles and religious literature. But the history of televangelism starts from the S. Parkes Cadman, who used radio extensively from 1920s-onwards to preach the gospel to the world which is one of the most focused point of Christianity. And in 1920s rapid popularization of radio provided a platform to fulfil this task within a short span of time (Esposito, 2013). They were almost the producer of radio who used their broadcast for traditional preachers, facilitating them to be reached to their audience at comparatively low cost. This source also

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