Preaching That Connects is the book for all who seek to hone their craft to communicate the truth of the gospel effectively. The authors acknowledge the fact that each person is different and everyone has different techniques and approach in preaching the word of God. Here are some of the main points that I gathered from each chapter of this book: Love Yourself as Hearers. Above all, the preachers should consider first the audience or “hearers” when preparing a sermon. As stated in this book, “we need to learn how to introduce, develop, and conclude our subjects in a way that interests hearers” (Galli and Larson, 1994, p. 16). In other words, we need to learn how to modify our words, sentences, paragraphs, stories and illustrations to deliver the message and impact the lives of our audience. How to Be More Creative. There are many techniques that can be used to be creative in preparing a sermon. Some of them are the following: Freewheeling (write down everything that comes to your mind about your subject), Clustering (or mind mapping, write a circle in the middle and connect it to different ideas that you can think), Heuristic (come up with a list of questions about your subject), and Outlining (make an outline by putting sub-title to your subject) (Galli and Larson, 1994). Introductions That Get Listeners. According to Galli and Carson (1994), “Opening sentence aims at the listener's head; the development must aim at the heart” (p. 36-37). A good introduction engages the listener and unveils the subject. If we fail to engage our audience at the beginning, we will lose them throughout the sermon. So what engages people? We should talk about subject that people care about and relevant to their lives. So it is important when choosi... ... middle of paper ... ... delivering message by not using a lot of illustrations that draws away the hearer’s attention from the central message. It is very important for the preacher to clearly communicate and connect with listeners. I am guilty of this because I have the tendency to complicate things by sharing different stories from the past experiences that I had. Less is more. It is important to cut down ideas and focus on the few main points that would make the hearers interested. Overall, this book helped me become more aware of my weaknesses with my preaching style and also gave me tools to strengthen them. The examples are very basic and practical and helped highlight key skills and situations that a preacher can experience when doing a sermon. This book added more knowledge to me and gave me new insights that I can use as a tool when I go back with my ministry as a youth worker.
· Listen – this is when we listen to the Homily and the Gospel which
What are the important themes of the book? What questions or issues about teaching and learning does it address?
Piper’s use of imagery in this way gives the opportunity for the reader to experience “first hand” the power of words, and inspires the reader to be free from the fear of writing.
Lee includes Scripture, Gospel, Hymns, Prayers and concludes the sermon in an “Amen” (37) by switching the posture to the audience. Perelman examined, “Every technique promoting the communion of the speaker with his audience will decrease the opposition between them” (79). Since Lee’s meaningful sermon consisted of the most essential techniques, her audience recognized her authority and capability to preach. She not only knew about the role of a minister, but also knew how to carry out her responsibilities as a minister, which enforced the appeal to ethos from the audience’s point of view. Lee compelled the audience to reconceive their discrimination of women
Speeches functioned as great tools for inspiring and motivating people. A passionate and charismatic speaker could often change a group of people’s view of the world with just a short speech. A perfect example of this phenomenon can be seen in the leaders of religious groups such as Matthias and Joseph Smith. These two men both possessed the ability to make people pi...
As Christians it is our responsibility to live our lives in accordance with God’s will. Sharing the good news of God’s kingdom is imperative not only for our salvation, but that of many. If we don’t hear the gospel, we do not have an opportunity to embrace it. Additionally we cannot distort the message otherwise we diminish ...
A person can evangelize many different ways. There are intellectual methods, relational methods, and confrontational methods. There is no right or wrong way to evangelize only the right method for the situation. In this paper, I will be discussing one way of evangelizing for each of the different methods. This paper will include the Romans Road method, the Friendship evangelism method, and the Door-to-Door evangelism method.
The preacher’s transition is, focus first, and most, on God. The times David did, giants fell. The days he didn’t, David did.
...s is a concept which should resonate with the teenage mind. The title of the book is the same title of a movie a few years old, yet he applies it to a plan which was set forth within the early church. To quote Steir, the outbreak, “spreads like an epidemic. It infected the general populace so quickly that no one was safe.” With a few emendations of word choices and phraseology, this is indeed a unique way of viewing and considering how to do youth ministry.
E.M. Bounds wrote a wonderful book devoted to prayer entitled Power Through Prayer. This book encourages the preacher to become a true prayer warrior. E.M. Bounds has written many books on prayer, encouraging Christians to devote their life to prayer. Since the writer is coming from a preacher background himself, one can clearly see the passion he has for prayer in his life. Fellow preachers will hopefully be encouraged by this and want to devote their life to prayer, so that they will better their preaching. Bounds exemplifies through his work that preaching has no power without prayer. He also sets forth the idea that prayer is the life-giving force behind our work for God. In reading this book, it inspires one to pray more and be able to be more effective in their ministry.
The book is titled "When God is Silent" by Barbara Brown Taylor. This book has three main points titled famine, silence, and restraint. On the first chapter she starts out by asking, "How shall I break the silence?"(pg.3). This first chapter focuses on "famine" which is the scarcity of food, but what she really means is the hunger that we have for God these days, how we try to find him and seems like we can't because God is silent. She states that according to a survey of people’s greatest fears, fear of public speaking rates much higher than fear of sickness or death (pg. 5). The person who is giving the sermon must listen as well as talk performing an act that is more complicated than solitary creation (pgs.5-6). Language can be porous and not solid even our best most carefully chosen words are not sturdy enough to bear the real truth. (pgs.6-7). She also states that nowadays language has taken a terrible hit, but what does she mean by that? First of all the assault of consumerism which forces words to make promises they cannot keep (pg. 9). Places and things such as on billboards, newspaper ads, television and the telephone. In her message she feels people have lost their connection and therefore the language cannot be trusted. She states that the moral is that there is no sense in getting attached to the news, or not the realities a reporter's words represent, just don't ask, and just let go (pg. 11). Another assault on the nobility of language is the sheer proliferation; the democratization of language has had effect of making good grammar sound fussy and the use of any word over three syllables a sure sign of the elite (pgs. 12-13). There is so much noise around us that we don't stop and be silent, and the saddest and unfor...
In an age when culture continues to lower standards of intellect, Marva Dawn makes compelling observations and suggestions for the Church to rethink its strategy on impacting society. How do we evangelize without weakening the message of what we are communicating? The majority of her text focuses on the worship environment generally, but later she focuses on music, preaching, and liturgy specifically. According to Dawn, a gathering of believers should emphasize God as the subject and object of worship, challenge each individual to grow in godly character, and accentuate the community of believers (not only in the room, but throughout history as well). Through this grid, she encourages leaders and participants to evaluate each worship element.
The method of evangelism that I used for my witness report was the “Four Spiritual Laws.” I chose this method because it is simple straight to the point, and has facts that I believe cannot be disputed. It is also quick and simple to explain. How I started the conversation was simple actually, for a while one of my family members has been confused about if there is a god or not and the last time I came home we spoke about what I have learned down at Liberty. Thus I thought it would be a good idea to bring up what I learned during these past few weeks from this class. of course what I have learned from this class are different ways to evangelize and that is how the conversation started.
First and foremost, I will always be focused on the fact that it is my responsibility as a teacher to “cause my students to learn”. I cannot teach my students content unless I have prayed and asked God for illumination and for an “appliers heart”. It is important that I understand the content and application before I teach this to my students which should result in a life change for them. Application is the main reason for God’s revelation and it is my responsibility to share this with my students. My ultimate goal is to illustrate how scripture can be used in daily
Using this method, he successfully engages the congregation through descriptive narratives and relating ideas to current times. As part of the narratives he includes descriptive biblical stories beginning with the story in his text, claiming it as a “scary story”. He further re-enforces this scary story concept by sharing two more biblical passages where a scary story exists. These biblical narratives are the beginning of what Wilson would call the second page of the sermon where the trouble in the text is given. This of course was preceded by his first page that discussed the idea of having scary stories in our lives today (trouble in the world) by using a vivid personal illustration. He continues to use vivid illustrations to hammer in his focus on the church needing to be friends to the downtrodden because God responds that way. He designs the third page to share the Gospel in the text reminding us that God responds to continual injustice by sending his son to be the friend that everyone needs. The one who stands up for injustice and never leaves your side. Finally, he concludes with the fourth page by demonstrating how churches can live the gospel in the world today. They do this through friendships with people in their surrounding community whose stories might be