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Effect of cell phone use on teenagers
Specific bullying in children and young people
Negative effects of cell phones on teenagers
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Cell phone usage and bullying has gained much attention in the United States in recent years. When many of us hear the word Cyberbullying, we automatically relate it as something that happens only on the internet. Yet, the term includes the use of cell phones to communicate a threat, send an abusive text, send inappropriate pictures or make harassing phone calls to someone in order to scare or upset them. Unfortunately, this is another vice that negatively plagues our youth. Second on my list of inappropriate use of cell phones is when people use them as a tool to embarrass or exploit someone. Bullying of any kind is cruel, and no one should have to be a victim of it in any form. However, much like the internet, cell phones allow the transmission of embarrassing images or texts to many people in a matter of minutes. I believe that at some point, the majority of us, including our family and friends have been a victim of some form of bullying. In an effort to research just how serious teenage bullying is I explored the resources of a government ran website titled Bullying Staistics.Org. The website was established to help educate families, children and school administrators on the various types and outcomes of bullying. In addition, the site provides those who are bullied with the names of organizations, therapy groups and suggestions on how to cope. The site was instrumental in helping me with my research. According to the website, for most, bullying begins in the teen years. it is estimated that at least nine out of 10 teenagers have a cell phone, and the odds of those that will be bullied through cell phones is one out of five (bullying statistics.org). In addition and contrary to what I initially thought, the website stat... ... middle of paper ... ...one membership hits 91% of adults. Retrieved From: Web site: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/06/06/cell-phone- ownership-hits-91-of- adults Lowy, Joan. “National texting while driving ban: U.S. urges no Cell phones while driving.” The Huffington Post, 31 Dec. 2011. Web. Retrieved March 23, 2014 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/14/national- Texting-while-driving- ban_n_1147909.html Phillips, S. (2014). Teens sleeping with cell phones: A clear and present danger Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/thisemotionallife/blogs/teens-sleeping-cell-phones- clear-and-present-danger Price, M. (2011). [Web log message]. Retrieved February 12th, 2014 from: http://www.apa.org/gradpsych/features/2011/cell-phone-addiction.aspx
Larry from safekids.com also imagines that todays tech is the issue, “ These days technology makes it possible for youth to reach through both space and time to harass or bully classmates regardless of location”(Magid). With cell phones, even the impossible is almost possible. Kids will continuously pick on someone else at school, at home, at work, anywhere because they are able to, do to our modern tech. Posting it online will only cause more torment and harassment of the children who have already been bullied and beat up. Larry also says “ It's now possible for kids to use the internet , their cell phones, social networking sites, and even game consoles to harm impersonate and embarrass others” (Magid). Though we enjoy using our technology we have today we may not have as much freedom as we do now in the future if we keep being irresponsible. Any Type of bullying or harassment is not a joke, it leads to many different finishes and most of them people will not like to
The definition of bullying uses broad statements to define the actual meaning. Because of this, people may view the definition differently than others. Bullying can range from physical violence to verbal abuse to even cyberbullying. Most people do not realize how common cyberbullying actually is. Over half of teens and adolescents have been bullied online and almost the same number have engaged in the bullying (“Cyber Bullying Statistics”). Cyberbullying is becoming more and more prominent throughout this time period because of the technology continuing to expand around the world. Each year this statistic increasingly grows due to the technology
Bullying has become a major problem facing the United States today. The American Psychological Association reports that roughly 40% to 80% of children are involved in bullying on some level during their time in school. (APA, 2014) The magnitude of the problem can be observed in the statistics. In the United States, a total of 4,080,879 children between the ages of five and 18 have been the victims of bullying compared to 3,892,199 who have reported that they have engaged in bullying someone else. Additionally, 851,755 said that they have been both the victim and the bully. That's a whopping 8,824,833 people in the United States that have been involved in bullying behavior on one level or another. (High, B., 2000 Census)
Cell phone users feel as though they can say almost anything they want too because it gives them a sense of power. Cyberbullying is a major issue that has become popular between teenagers. Behavior tends to change when teenagers feel they can hide behind a cell phone;...
Bullying has greatly evolved over the years. We have gone from face to face bullying to a new form called cyber bullying. Many believe cyber bullying to be far worse than its traditional partner because it can leave a tremendous psychological impact on the person being bullied. There are a lot more people who report being bullied now that cyber bullying has become evolved. After a survey of 264 kids from across 3 different schools was conducted, it came to show that about half of them had been bullied and about a quarter of them cyber bullied. Around half of the kids say they know someone who has been or is being cyber bullied. Most cyber bullies attack there victims multiple times and for some reason, the victims never report it to the adults. It was found that males were more likely to be cyber bullies compared to females and that the females were more likely to report to an adult if they had been being bullied by someone (“Cyberbullying In Schools”). It has become much easier for bullies to cyberbully people because of all the advancement in technology. With the rapid growth of computers and other technology, cyber bullying was bound to outbreak. Bullies can give crippling blows to someone’s psychiatric state of mind just by using the internet, and the effects can be everlasting. It is easy for more than one person to bully a single target when on the internet. Cell phones are also a big cause of pain for the victims as they cannot delete embarrassing pictures or messages off of the phones of others who have received them. ("Mr. Bullproof.”). Researchers have tried to look into cyber bullying to try and find out what the reasoning is behind it and maybe try and figure out a way to prevent it. There have been recent studies abo...
Everyone has been bullied or encountered someone being bullied at some point of their life. Whether it would be physically or verbally both can be exceedingly traumatizing and can have a long-term psychological influence on children’s development. Majority people may define bullying in a more physical term; nevertheless that’s not always the case. The act of bullying can occur in several ways and in reality affect the individual in the same way. Bullying is generally defined as repeated, negative, and harmful actions focused at target throughout a course of time, exhibiting a sense of power difference between the bully and the victim (Olweus, 1993; Limber & Mihalic, 1999 as cited from Douglas J. Boyle, 2005). A survey was conducted in the United States estimating that over six million children, about 30% in grade six through ten have experienced frequent bullying in a school environment (Nansel, 2001 as cited from Douglas J. Boyle, 2005). Many people might debate that bullying is something that every child goes through and is simply a part of growing up, although there are several damaging consequences that happens to the child’s brain. Bullying causes the child to feel upset, isolated, frightened, anxious, and depressed. They feel like they reason they are being picked on is because there is something wrong with them and may even lose their confidence feel unsafe going to school (Frenette, 2013 as cited from Douglas J. Boyle, 2005) Anthropologically, sociologically, or psychologically, bullying can be analyzed through different perspectives and several questions can be asked based on the topic:
Being a teenager is difficult in it of itself. Some teens find it easy to take their frustrations out on other people. This is when teen violence arises. Bullying is one of the most popular forms of teen violence in today’s schools and can affect the victim emotionally, physically and mentally. To make themselves feel better, the bully will physically abuse their victim, or verbally abuse them by calling them names or starting rumors about them. According to Dan Olweus, author of “Bullying at School”, the typical victims of bullying are anxious, insecure, quiet and sensitive. They...
Netzley, D. Patricia. How Does Cell Phone Use Impact Teenagers?” Reference Point Press. San Diego, Ca. C.S.A. - 2013 Print.
“Data collected in year one found that 86% of all students had been bullied and 95% of 7th graders and 72% of 8th graders reported that they possessed limited or no strategies to use if bullied. Of even greater concern, 85% of 7th grader and 82% of 8th graders would not tell an adult including parents, if they were being bullied” (young et al., 2009). After the 3rd year the post survey revealed, “year two 7th graders reported that 47% had never been bullied since entering middle school. Seventy- seven percent of 7th graders and 64% of 8th graders reported that they would tell an adult at the school if they were being bullied” (Young et al., 2009). The results show that the bullying intervention program has had a positive effect on the children involved. The students display skills on how to deal with the situation of someone being bullied and that notifying an adult is best way to handle it. The responses from the anti bullying website also displayed an increase of trust and usage of the site by the
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that takes place with the use of any electronic technology. Cyberbullying is a major problem affecting young people today. There are different types of cyberbullying. This topic comes as an interest to many people these days because bullying is very common and it can ruin a person’s life. These days, cyberbullying is considered a new form of bullying. It can happen over the internet by computer, mobile phone or any other electronic devices. Cyberbullying could involve any form of unpleasant words or pictures being displayed on the internet for others to see. It could also involve the spreading of lies about the victim on the internet. Many people are stepping up efforts to prevent bullying in the first place. Approximately half of U.S. students are impacted by traditional bullying each school day (Ross). Bullying peaks in middle school, then reduces in high school. Other types of bullying may involve the passing of notes behind someone’s back, rumors being whispered about someone, or being threatened in the internet. The most common types of cyberbullying include passing of humiliating photos, cell phone pranks, cyber stalking, impersonation, online slam books, and text wars. Bullies appear scary but truthfully they are the unhappy ones. Majority of bullies have been bullied by parents, siblings, or other young people. This may trigger them to bully and pick on other kids.
Various reports and studies have established that approximately 15% of students are either bullied regularly or are initiators of bullying behavior (Olweus, 1993). Direct bullying seems to increase through the elementary years, peak in the middle school/junior high school years, and decline during the high school years. However, while direct physical assault seems to decrease with age, verbal abuse appears to remain constant. School size, racial composition, and school setting (rural, suburban, or urban) do not seem to be distinguishing factors in predicting the occurrence of bullying. Finally, boys engage in bullying behavior and are victims of bullies more frequently than girls (Batsche & Knoff, 1994; Nolin, Davies, & Chandler, 1995; Olweus, 1993; Whitney & Smith, 1993).
There is no doubt that technology has changed our society. Now things are faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before. With all these changes, bullying has been impacted in a positive and negative way. Although technology has given victims of bullying an outlet to complete education without going to school, technology has made it easier for bullying to happen on anonymous apps and social media sites.
Bullying has always been present within the United States. Although the issue has been around for a long time, it continues to grow and become more of problem. It is said that about 160,000 children within the United States are refusing to go to school because of bullying. Another statistic is that within American schools alone, there are an estimated 2.1 billion bullies and 2.7 billion victims (Dan Olewus, MBNBD). The numbers presented here are outrageous and although there are organizations to stop bullying, obviously there needs to be a new set of solutions. Any type of bullying presents problems to children, “Suicide, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trouble with the law, poor performance in school and work, and lack of involvement in socially accepted activities are some of the difficulties resulting from bullying (Austin, Reynolds, Barnes, Shirley). Of course, there is more than just a single type of bullying. Feeding ground for bullies can range anywhere from text-message or cyberbullying to physical bullying in schools. Also, bullies can begin to strike at a young age and could also be; teenage, middle-age, or even the elderly. Even though there are these many versions of problematic bullies, the largest bullying problems take place within the school setting: a place that is supposed to be safe for children rather than harmful. Although it seems impossible to completely get rid of bullying, these are a few suggested solutions; making the school informed on bullying issues, schools implementing rules on bullying, and having students positively use electronics to stop bullying.
Have you ever thought why people bully? Well what is bullying first of all? Bullying is used in many ways. For example, there is Cyber Bullying Verbal Bullying and Physical Bullying. There are also many other types of bullying but these are the main ones. Cyberbullying is when you use a phone or an electronic to hurt/bully someone, typically by sending mean messages or pictures. 42% of the kids in the world have been cyberbullied online, says Caralee Adams owner of the page, “Cyberbullying: what teachers and students can do.” What that means is cyberbullying can be anywhere, and can hurt anyone. Also 58% of the kids in the world don’t tell their parent when they are cyber bullied. Not
Students might use their mobile phone such as a camera for bullying. For instance, they might record someone while there are in the bathroom and send to other students or post it on the internet. In addition, they may send a certain message to intimidate the others. Bullying can also happen to teachers. For example, students record their teachers while they are teaching (Pickett and Thomas 2006). ...