Teenagers Need To Gettin Reading Analysis

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Silence surrounds me as the car door is opened and I step outside. I grab his hand and not a word is said. Instead is just a phone in his hand. The attention I used to get is now being consumed by his phone. I ignore it and make my way into the restaurant where I am now surrounded by tv’s. In every corner are children playing games on tablets not paying a bit of attention to the rest of their family that also have eyes glued to an electronic device. We sit down, order through a screen placed in front of us, and devour our food. Not to my surprise, we are then ordered to pay on the tablet at our table. Our world revolves around electronics in many different ways but consumes and affects teenagers more and leaves a negative, lasting impact. Teenagers today are considered lazy and for many reasons they wonder why. In today’s world they are used to …show more content…

My sister hates to read and reading includes anything with words on it. She would rather have it be read to her because less work is needed on her part. Visualizing the words and what is happening in the book is hard for her because her lack of focus. Her lack of focus comes from the short attention span she has developed over time which means that reading books are overall too much work for her to complete. TV and other electronic devices such as her iphone 7, present the world to her in easier and more exciting ways than a book would. They are faster moving which holds her attention but also leaves her with less mental work and thinking to do. This is where laziness comes in and plays a huge part in their lives. Leaving a negative impact such as leading to a slower learning process is just what the electronics are capable of that parents are handing to their teens. I've also noticed that is it not just her acting this way but instead everyone around her age doing the same and following everyone else in our rapidly growing technological

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